Saturday, April 5, 2008

today was NPCC@CCHMS' dunno how many th campfire.. so the same things just go..
and i went there plainly for soccer...

met up with nick, dq, n jona to join the juniors for soccer.. where it jus had to rained.. so hid in the hall and played on the carpet laid by wushu team there.. got scolded..

when the rain ceased.. we continued to play...
after that, we sneaked into the juniors bunks and munch on their canned food..
then was campfire.. emo again.. arh.. then joked around with the ex ex NCOS.

even si long, a long long lost pal.. returned.. but some didnt turn up.. oh wells..

then the guys had late dinner at old airport road as usual..



u'll normally see news of frauds happening to old ppl.. but i was scammed..

my frens and i , 3 of us ordered fried rice and hor fun.. then went to buy drinks... so after, i offered to pay for everything first.. then the old lady said.. "$11.50"
so i paid so...
later when i asked my fren for the $4 for his plate of fried rice.. he said "i already paid it by myself.."

so the equation goes like this..

(my friend's hor fun)$4 + (my fried rice)$4 +(my fren's fried rice)$3.50 = $11.50 $8...

aiyah.. me am clown again.. always ridiculously being laughed and becoming the center of jokes...

sian... not the matter of money.. but how come i so blur.. kena scammed...=) oh wells...

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