Friday, April 4, 2008

dun look at me : ARNOLD><>

anyway, here's to announce : is BACK!!!

today was a real short day.. but things jus get so farnie.. someone broke the table off from the sit in the LT... my classmate.. =_+"'...

then was maths tutorial.. super lame.e....
in probablilty, there is conditional probability, then the tutor start to point to his hair... when he mentioned "conditional"...

Probability of T is probabilty of sugar + probablity of cream - Probablilty of sugar with cream...

haha.. and then was studying in the library with yz, nx, and..mervyn.. they were talking bout a gal.. in the library.. who i assumed they supposed is CHIO?,... heck care.. hahaa... but the librarian auntie chipped in with their conversation as well.. WTH!?..

then studied with cheuk wing, gerald and nicholas.. hahaa.. lame things also la..
watching the soccer match of MJC against AJC was even crappier.. with kevan and louis at their very high... siao.. haha..

btw, the score was 2-0 in MJ's favour.
gonna go sleep le.e.... and there's scandal to my ogms again... omg.. is it ogm or omg or gmo or mog, mgo.. haha.. permutations...

good nite to all.. and i apologise for my past posts abt my class. becuz i'm MOTIVATED AGAIN...

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