Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a gene from carrot is put inside an egg . a GM egg. CArrotegg.
CARROTEGG? so is that why there is CARROTCAKE?. because they add in that "egg" then got carrot + egg.? wahahahaha..

that was my GP lesson. For me. =P

today was unusually usual. diaoz. same old tuesday. crapping abt in class all the time.. continuing to be ignored.. haha.. clownish act.

and then i felt so bad. leaving mr tee to his own.. cuz i asked him for consultation. then i didnt turn up. becuz the temptation of MJC Vs MI was so strong. it wouldn have been so if i had been able to play soccer during the weekend.. argh.. my legs are deprived.. . desperate.. =P

then watching the match killed my guilt. because it was so worth it.. two wonder goals.. lols.. alan scored from so far off.. and an MI player volleyed.. (PS: volley is a super hard to control shot. there r two situations that u can get into with a volley. 1: shot and score. 2. miss and get scolded. lalalala =))

so joined cw, lt, nicholas and i was probably juz crapping away.. wahahha.. then there was this joke abt fabio and lt's relationship. haha.. at this instance, lt walked away, to probably answer a call or so.. then fabio also picked up his phone. *giggles*

then of course there were super lots of jokes during the course of the game.
and on our way to bus stop, saw matt and he also leaving, but
matt: "going home right? wait, i go toilet FIRST"
I replied :" ok =D Bye!! "

everyone was like laughing.. haha.. it was just a prank.. haha..
then when we reached the bus stop. 53 came. we didnt board. so i waved "BYE" to others. and matt too.. but i was grabbing his hand non-stop. *LAUGHS*
so the bus left. then he keep asking why we not taking tt bus.
i said "cuz we going Home"
then he was wondering y didnt take the bus, and getting a little stress already.
then i continued." okay, sry, actually we going off to eat." XDXD
and boy, he sorta believed and then stress a lot liao.. then i said we were going home again.. so he stress and ask why nvr take the bus,
so i said a very sensitive answer to him. it was abt the bus driver. haha..

then 81 came. we sat on the upper deck. there was the "NO DEAL OR NO DEAL" show. it looked like the aunties edition and the lady kept saying roti prata.. haha.. then super funny and i was often supplying the craps. so they attribute it to my cheese tofu.. wow.. chemical reactions.. diaoz..

and i just watched the Chn 8 reality show on rescuing vendors. the father of the vendor is super cute and funny! nvr see tt kind of expression wan.. and his expression of ppl passing away also very unique... DIE = wan dan (wan as in finished, dan as in egg).. so funny rite..

and here's a riddle?! WHY DID THE DOG STAY IN THE SHADE? XDXD

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