Tuesday, April 15, 2008

saying shagged is not my privilege.
it is just plain procrastinating...
heard that pw tutor - MRs TnG.. is leaving us for good?! rumour? truth?.. dunno...

she was afterall a very nice tutor and 07S210 sure enjoyed the times with her then.. as CT, maths tutor or even our PW tutor..

fine.. tuesday is getting to be more and more tiring.. with 2 extra lessons.. omg.. and no breaks in between.. haha..

and i finally got a GRAPHIC CALCULATOR!!!><..

yes.. make no mistake.. its a GC.. but only temporaily.. borrowed from mr tee to do my tutorials.. sigh.. today's maths lecture i almost got asked to do the stats qn in the LT... phew.. all becuz i had no GC.. bleah...=p

ok, now.. wad shud i do.. hahax.. sTUdY..!! XDXD..
anybody reading this should run along and grab some notes!! arhhhh.. NOTES are piling like the himalayas!!! XDXD

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