Saturday, April 12, 2008

as promised, i have taken some pics on the bazaar @cchms.. hahaa.. it was almost spoilt due to a heavy downpour in the afternoon.. the macdonalds was flooded, well, at least the payalebar one.this is the gate.. so china XD
this the zhu ling lou.. (bamboo woods tower..?)

these are the sooo china buildings many ppl will think of when they talk abt cchms.. and this one is a hao ran tower.. so chim name.. but its just simply the canteen and hall. =p
in the background is the towering auditorium.. the gray one i mean.. yups.. that one is where all the teachers linger.. while..the one nearer to us is the Home Econs & DnT block..
yup.. tt's the GRAND AUDITORIUM... wad a name.. and yep.. every block has a chinese name.. which is written in calligraphy by a dunno popular writer.. then carved on the building.. forgot this one already=X
and yep.. this is the lake.. it should look scenic but apparently not from this pic.. hahaa.. and it is definitely much bigger than MJ's fish pond.. hahaa. XD
this is known as the concourse block.. the classrooms.. dunno wad those ppl are doing anywae.. k. and this is the block tt links to the lake..
this is a much nicer picture of the lake.. but i see some ppl again.. =S
yep.. there is fountain.. but there are so many fish and tortoise inside.. forget to take arh.. =)

very scenic ba... and can feel the breeze.. woooooo XDXD
yup.. tt's was all i could take given take given the bad weather..

and i went to the bazaar with junhong, randy, weijian, jiafeng. saw shikun n minghan at singpost.. then came the heavy rain.. flooded the macs...

reached sch.. saw alex, then go with junhong to meet his sister who's selling muffins.. =p

also met yz, arnold, joanna, daryl, weijun.. aaron.. ms lai


then basically, it was just rotting away, till we decide to go to this haunted house.. $6 per person.. wow.. and i could say the atmosphere was nice.. but not really scary.. and i was fooled when i went to the wrong exit and "something" popped out.. lol.. tt really caught me offguard.. hahaz..
it was a nice experience.. 2nd time since i went to something similar.. hahaz...

now am off to chiong my homeworks.. i've been slacking since friday.. so guilty.. XD haha..

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