Wednesday, April 23, 2008

had NAPFA Today.. my results werent so pleasing..

  1. Standing Broad Jump 231cm C 3pts
  2. Sit & Reach 48cm A 5pts
  3. Pull Up 4 D 2pts
  4. Shuttle Run 9.5s A 5pts
  5. Sit up 46 A/B 5/4pts
  6. 2.4km 10.27mins B 4pts
sian arh.. becuz of 1 D, then the (3+5+2+5+5+4) = 24pts --> SILVER.. haix
super disappointed with myself that i didnt run very well for my 2.4km.. totally dropped a whole lot.. 1min plus slower.. so guilty..

and in this new system of taking all the 6 items on the same day, i realised who have a strong will and who doesnt have. this just shows that some people simply lack the mental will to give themselves a push, to ENDURE the test, and simply just give up.. its probably a sign of cowardice. and yup.. EMpty vessels make the most NOiSe.. to whom it may seem: werent u so full of yourself?... werent u super good? didnt u break some timing already? then show-off to us when tt so-called improvement was my deprovement, from a 9 ++ mins, i dropped to 10 ++... and u didn even hit 11.. and u just keep blabbering off like aunties from a wet market. sometimes, i hope to just say this : " JUST GET A LIFE... SHUT UR TRAP "

and to something lighter.. there was this geog talk on economic geog at 2.30 today.. and the speaker was so funny.. with tt hongkong accent some ppl call it.. yup.. and omg.. all the 3 geog tutors in the LT were his students.. lol.. in NTU.. and yup.. i guess he was trying to engaging most of us like me.. who was engaged in my own world.. playing on my phone.. PHONE>.< YUP!!

MY PHONE IS WORKING ALREADY!!.. I made my phone work like the IPHONE!! wooo...
it appears that the fuse in my charger probably blew it.. and yup.. shud be going to vivo this weekend to solve it.. anyone wan go? whahahha =P

tmr is IE test already.. and i'm gonna study..

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