Saturday, April 26, 2008

just got home from kwek's house watching MU VS CFC... MU lost 1-2.. wahahha..

meanwhile.. here's the retarded post...

The term "retarded" was originally a euphemism to replace previous designations such as "idiot", imbecile," and "moron", which were originally scientific terms that acquired pejorative connotations in popular discourse over time quoted from & edited by me.. XD

Retardeds like me will : =D
& "Idiot" was originally created to refer to "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning"

Moron was originally an English scientific term, coined in 1910 by psychologist Henry H. Goddard from the Greek word moros, which meant "dull" (as opposed to "sharp"), and used to describe a person with a mental age located between eight and 12 on the Binet scale. It was once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26-50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0-25).

lols.. and u r retarded also.. reading this post... haha.. XDXD.. just kidding.. =P

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