Wednesday, April 16, 2008

today is wednesday. wednesday was today. =D

training today.. super boring except for the beginning when we took crosses, shots.. blah blah..
lightning alert.. usual.. EATING AFTER TRAINING IS SO INDULGING.. wahhahaa..

went to downtown with cheuk wing, gerald n ivan. was crapping all the time about some racist stuff.. super lame.. arh.. then when the bus reached downtown.. something stupid happened again.. hahaa.. cheuk wing n gerald alighted.. then me n ivan but.. the two of us could not alight and the bus drove off.. OMG.. wad to do.. arh.. pressed the bell several times.. hhaa.. then i was spastic.. waved bye to cheuk wing gerald.. ivan was saying something like.. "my dad also pays income tax.. arh.." hahaa.. then had to walk a bus stop's distance back to downtown.

it was totally nonsense.. not my first time already.. hahaiz...

then left home.. and now.. i'm here.. soon i'll be in the "himalayas mountain of NOTES!!"... wad de... sian.. *PooF* i'm gone XDXD

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