Wednesday, April 2, 2008

make no mistake, this was what i wanted to talk about in my previous post.
1st April (April Fool)

click on those pictures to take a look.. and guess wad!!

nth to say..?!.. hahax.. i thought it was a april fool joke.. but turned out that it was for our own good.. to brush up on our english. but surprisingly, it has been ages since we've seen MCQ for english... hahaha XDXD..

and i got april fooled yesterday!!!! arh...
recieved a msg.. and it goes like : Call me urgently. Bad news for you.

lols.. and i was asleep then at 11+ pm. so i woke up at about 3+am... saw this msg and decide to wait for further msgs.. then wait wait wait.. until 5am still nth.. so i slept... and i woke up at 7.40am.. arh.... missed the early sign-in today.. sian..
lols.. tio boxed.. =B... lol.. then i got a msg in the morning: haha.. its april fool.

omg.. i got april fooled.. my classmates laughed too when they heard abt it.. laugh abt wad? of course is me la.. =) haha.. wad de...
haha.. glad to provide some laughter..

and today was training.. played with the gal team again.. so sianz.. then me n cheuk wing on the left.. think the left side was very nicely played.. and i did two nic3 pass... across the right back of the gal to pass to the left wing.. woots.. but my cross still.. =X..

and the team playing by the 3-touch rule really looks dam united and team work!!!.. keep it up..

gonna catch a nap b4 i start memorising the chem skill A chemical tests arh...

omg.. april fool... =p

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