Monday, April 7, 2008

lols.. today is MONDAY haha =p crapping again.. anyway.. today woke up rather late.. missed the early sign in thingy.. so when i reached the bus stop outside of white sands and boarded the bus,

met eng liang and kelvin.. then cuz we were really gonna be late.. so we were juz beside the bus driver... so we psychoed the driver..
"erm.. siao liao.. sure late one.. if only can skip all the stops" etc conversations..

then as if the driver heard us... the bus just skipped past all the stops and YAY!!.. we were saved!! .. phew.. thks driver.. =)

then here to say something... i'm so dumb.. hahaz.. yesterday night, while i was clearing my inbox on my phone.. then saw a msg. : "Call me urgently. Bad news for you." then i was wondering.. if that was an april fools msg.. where's the april fool thingy.. then omg.. to my horror.. i realise i didn scroll down to the end of the msg.

then when i did, here's wad i saw. "r u shocked? Fwd to ur frens n see how many cute ppl don read the msg full. APRIL FOOLS!!! Hahaha :) ..." omg.. today is already 7th april, which means i was lagging for almost a week already since 1st april.. lol..

and off to do my work.. already..

*study hard but sleep right and stay healthy always =) =p*

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