Monday, April 28, 2008

seriously... y is it so serious? =P..

wed: CHEM S.P.A the real thing!! omg..

FRi: Phy Lecture Test + Maths Lecture Test...

darn... i'm not retarded... i'm crazy.. siao liao... *>.<*

Saturday, April 26, 2008

just got home from kwek's house watching MU VS CFC... MU lost 1-2.. wahahha..

meanwhile.. here's the retarded post...

The term "retarded" was originally a euphemism to replace previous designations such as "idiot", imbecile," and "moron", which were originally scientific terms that acquired pejorative connotations in popular discourse over time quoted from & edited by me.. XD

Retardeds like me will : =D
& "Idiot" was originally created to refer to "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning"

Moron was originally an English scientific term, coined in 1910 by psychologist Henry H. Goddard from the Greek word moros, which meant "dull" (as opposed to "sharp"), and used to describe a person with a mental age located between eight and 12 on the Binet scale. It was once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26-50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0-25).

lols.. and u r retarded also.. reading this post... haha.. XDXD.. just kidding.. =P

Friday, April 25, 2008

see this? this is the mint green psp slim!! woots!! and it's mine!! yeppie.. no doubt.. dad got my damaged psp repaired and ended up replacing it with this!!.. awesome.. though it was at the expense of some scoldings..

and today i didnt turn up for sch cuz i had a headache.. and josh was like "are u copying mine tricks?" rofl XD.. and i did the most retarded things..

i went back to sch to watch MJC play IJC.. 1-0 the IJ's keeper fault.. watching the game gave me a sudden idea.. to change the miranda cheer to fit IJ...(purely for fun.. no offence meant.. )


We're gonna fight like bullies,
lose like IJ
fight like bullies lose like IJ (X ??)
All of I J can go fly kite.
fly kite (X2)

totally retarded... and watch out for my next post.. it will be super retarded.. actually thought of putting it here.. but haiz.. stay tuned!! wah.. =P

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

had NAPFA Today.. my results werent so pleasing..

  1. Standing Broad Jump 231cm C 3pts
  2. Sit & Reach 48cm A 5pts
  3. Pull Up 4 D 2pts
  4. Shuttle Run 9.5s A 5pts
  5. Sit up 46 A/B 5/4pts
  6. 2.4km 10.27mins B 4pts
sian arh.. becuz of 1 D, then the (3+5+2+5+5+4) = 24pts --> SILVER.. haix
super disappointed with myself that i didnt run very well for my 2.4km.. totally dropped a whole lot.. 1min plus slower.. so guilty..

and in this new system of taking all the 6 items on the same day, i realised who have a strong will and who doesnt have. this just shows that some people simply lack the mental will to give themselves a push, to ENDURE the test, and simply just give up.. its probably a sign of cowardice. and yup.. EMpty vessels make the most NOiSe.. to whom it may seem: werent u so full of yourself?... werent u super good? didnt u break some timing already? then show-off to us when tt so-called improvement was my deprovement, from a 9 ++ mins, i dropped to 10 ++... and u didn even hit 11.. and u just keep blabbering off like aunties from a wet market. sometimes, i hope to just say this : " JUST GET A LIFE... SHUT UR TRAP "

and to something lighter.. there was this geog talk on economic geog at 2.30 today.. and the speaker was so funny.. with tt hongkong accent some ppl call it.. yup.. and omg.. all the 3 geog tutors in the LT were his students.. lol.. in NTU.. and yup.. i guess he was trying to engaging most of us like me.. who was engaged in my own world.. playing on my phone.. PHONE>.< YUP!!

MY PHONE IS WORKING ALREADY!!.. I made my phone work like the IPHONE!! wooo...
it appears that the fuse in my charger probably blew it.. and yup.. shud be going to vivo this weekend to solve it.. anyone wan go? whahahha =P

tmr is IE test already.. and i'm gonna study..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a gene from carrot is put inside an egg . a GM egg. CArrotegg.
CARROTEGG? so is that why there is CARROTCAKE?. because they add in that "egg" then got carrot + egg.? wahahahaha..

that was my GP lesson. For me. =P

today was unusually usual. diaoz. same old tuesday. crapping abt in class all the time.. continuing to be ignored.. haha.. clownish act.

and then i felt so bad. leaving mr tee to his own.. cuz i asked him for consultation. then i didnt turn up. becuz the temptation of MJC Vs MI was so strong. it wouldn have been so if i had been able to play soccer during the weekend.. argh.. my legs are deprived.. . desperate.. =P

then watching the match killed my guilt. because it was so worth it.. two wonder goals.. lols.. alan scored from so far off.. and an MI player volleyed.. (PS: volley is a super hard to control shot. there r two situations that u can get into with a volley. 1: shot and score. 2. miss and get scolded. lalalala =))

so joined cw, lt, nicholas and i was probably juz crapping away.. wahahha.. then there was this joke abt fabio and lt's relationship. haha.. at this instance, lt walked away, to probably answer a call or so.. then fabio also picked up his phone. *giggles*

then of course there were super lots of jokes during the course of the game.
and on our way to bus stop, saw matt and he also leaving, but
matt: "going home right? wait, i go toilet FIRST"
I replied :" ok =D Bye!! "

everyone was like laughing.. haha.. it was just a prank.. haha..
then when we reached the bus stop. 53 came. we didnt board. so i waved "BYE" to others. and matt too.. but i was grabbing his hand non-stop. *LAUGHS*
so the bus left. then he keep asking why we not taking tt bus.
i said "cuz we going Home"
then he was wondering y didnt take the bus, and getting a little stress already.
then i continued." okay, sry, actually we going off to eat." XDXD
and boy, he sorta believed and then stress a lot liao.. then i said we were going home again.. so he stress and ask why nvr take the bus,
so i said a very sensitive answer to him. it was abt the bus driver. haha..

then 81 came. we sat on the upper deck. there was the "NO DEAL OR NO DEAL" show. it looked like the aunties edition and the lady kept saying roti prata.. haha.. then super funny and i was often supplying the craps. so they attribute it to my cheese tofu.. wow.. chemical reactions.. diaoz..

and i just watched the Chn 8 reality show on rescuing vendors. the father of the vendor is super cute and funny! nvr see tt kind of expression wan.. and his expression of ppl passing away also very unique... DIE = wan dan (wan as in finished, dan as in egg).. so funny rite..

and here's a riddle?! WHY DID THE DOG STAY IN THE SHADE? XDXD

Monday, April 21, 2008

today is MONDAY.. sianz.. haaa.
there was this sexuality education week thingy done by the 301 ppl. and the video was so awesome.. haha.. XD.. lol.. good job. =P

and today's lessons were borrrrrring.. then had chem consultation with mr chong + xin wei.
then was phy extra lesson. lols. kena whacked cuz i said some concepts wrongly.. diaoz..

and some one in the class had his hand bandaged again. second guy in the class already. rofl. y do ppl juz keep breaking arms? and the timing is just so perrr fect . NAPFA is on WEDNESDAY.. -_-"'.. wadeva..

and off to do some binompdf, cdf, and all those df s... stupid things..
and i'm a lawyer.. roar.. yay.. a lawyer. wahahahah XDXD

Saturday, April 19, 2008

wah.. already another week over... woke up late this morning.. hahax..
went to settle some bank issues with POSB.. then got my posb card + debit card..

so went home to study.. then halfway.. i went to buy newspaper.. and i got locked out of house!!! ROFL... sian... stupid.. left my keys at home and nobody was at home... darn.. spent 3 hrs wandering abt like a wandering spirit..

super malu... sian sia...
chem test is next wk already.. ionic eqm 1, 2... =) work hard!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

isn't it obvious? its the COLOSEUM!!!

when we are about to run away - home - away from the clutches of ms choy XD

something random: grass jelly from mr bean. the luo han guo version. said to be really cooling for the throat.
isn't it nice? haha... tasty..
Callisto emerged 1st overall.. wow.. XD

Zahir, won a medal in the coloseum.. =D

Brokeback.. hehe =p

just another take of the blue birds..

gladiator's ball(a.k.a. captain's ball) =D

mr koh.. a.k.a. lord ZEUS.. XD

noisy.. but happy XD

whos the winner? =D (try to understand the funny thing abt this pic and the one below this pic. XD)

still dun get it? =D

today was coloseum day.. a day where many ppl wanna pon.. i also feel like.. but its our discipline whether or not.. but i didn't like it when the sch didn't even allow us to leave sch to have our lunch... =).

so coloseum started.. join S301 guys and crapped a lot man... things that consider to be crappy include shouting.. haha.. at ppl for no reason.. there was this funny incident at the bball court.. saw one chinese cher playin.. he was bald... so i shouted " BOTAK!!.." and he dropped the ball.. oops.. so bad rite.. haha.. tt was probably the starting.. as we sort of went bonkers.. doin random stuffs..

went abt the field watching.. the gladiator's ball.. and frisbee.. CALLISTO WAS SUPERB AND SO WAS THE CALLISTO HOUSE COMM.. led by KEVAN & GANG!! 3CHEERS!!.. =)
it was the first time that we had came in first for coloseum.. and it also marked a hattrick.. consisting of O2, CNY08, and today.. XD

was sort of reflecting.. i felt that we were pretty simple and down-to-earth about our celebrations.. cheering cheering and period. but if it was other houses like T*****,.. it would have been some dramatic action-packed five minutes of running abt like barbarians.. sliding with two feet like celebrating a goal scored.. and all in all.. i feel that they are carrying things too far.. over reacting in fact.. not considering other's feelings.. just like when they only won the cheer leading component, they did the same things, like they had won everything.. arrogance.. is the ultimate loser. because it tries to put on a false front.

wadever.. do i look like tt kind of saint.. hhaaa.. and i'm gonna go get some rest already!!.. its saturday already!!..

P.S. to those who read this, and have a sore throat from shouting today, go get urself some luo han guo glass jelly, good for sore throats.. hehehe XDXD

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

today is wednesday. wednesday was today. =D

training today.. super boring except for the beginning when we took crosses, shots.. blah blah..
lightning alert.. usual.. EATING AFTER TRAINING IS SO INDULGING.. wahhahaa..

went to downtown with cheuk wing, gerald n ivan. was crapping all the time about some racist stuff.. super lame.. arh.. then when the bus reached downtown.. something stupid happened again.. hahaa.. cheuk wing n gerald alighted.. then me n ivan but.. the two of us could not alight and the bus drove off.. OMG.. wad to do.. arh.. pressed the bell several times.. hhaa.. then i was spastic.. waved bye to cheuk wing gerald.. ivan was saying something like.. "my dad also pays income tax.. arh.." hahaa.. then had to walk a bus stop's distance back to downtown.

it was totally nonsense.. not my first time already.. hahaiz...

then left home.. and now.. i'm here.. soon i'll be in the "himalayas mountain of NOTES!!"... wad de... sian.. *PooF* i'm gone XDXD

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

saying shagged is not my privilege.
it is just plain procrastinating...
heard that pw tutor - MRs TnG.. is leaving us for good?! rumour? truth?.. dunno...

she was afterall a very nice tutor and 07S210 sure enjoyed the times with her then.. as CT, maths tutor or even our PW tutor..

fine.. tuesday is getting to be more and more tiring.. with 2 extra lessons.. omg.. and no breaks in between.. haha..

and i finally got a GRAPHIC CALCULATOR!!!><..

yes.. make no mistake.. its a GC.. but only temporaily.. borrowed from mr tee to do my tutorials.. sigh.. today's maths lecture i almost got asked to do the stats qn in the LT... phew.. all becuz i had no GC.. bleah...=p

ok, now.. wad shud i do.. hahax.. sTUdY..!! XDXD..
anybody reading this should run along and grab some notes!! arhhhh.. NOTES are piling like the himalayas!!! XDXD

Saturday, April 12, 2008

as promised, i have taken some pics on the bazaar @cchms.. hahaa.. it was almost spoilt due to a heavy downpour in the afternoon.. the macdonalds was flooded, well, at least the payalebar one.this is the gate.. so china XD
this the zhu ling lou.. (bamboo woods tower..?)

these are the sooo china buildings many ppl will think of when they talk abt cchms.. and this one is a hao ran tower.. so chim name.. but its just simply the canteen and hall. =p
in the background is the towering auditorium.. the gray one i mean.. yups.. that one is where all the teachers linger.. while..the one nearer to us is the Home Econs & DnT block..
yup.. tt's the GRAND AUDITORIUM... wad a name.. and yep.. every block has a chinese name.. which is written in calligraphy by a dunno popular writer.. then carved on the building.. forgot this one already=X
and yep.. this is the lake.. it should look scenic but apparently not from this pic.. hahaa.. and it is definitely much bigger than MJ's fish pond.. hahaa. XD
this is known as the concourse block.. the classrooms.. dunno wad those ppl are doing anywae.. k. and this is the block tt links to the lake..
this is a much nicer picture of the lake.. but i see some ppl again.. =S
yep.. there is fountain.. but there are so many fish and tortoise inside.. forget to take arh.. =)

very scenic ba... and can feel the breeze.. woooooo XDXD
yup.. tt's was all i could take given take given the bad weather..

and i went to the bazaar with junhong, randy, weijian, jiafeng. saw shikun n minghan at singpost.. then came the heavy rain.. flooded the macs...

reached sch.. saw alex, then go with junhong to meet his sister who's selling muffins.. =p

also met yz, arnold, joanna, daryl, weijun.. aaron.. ms lai


then basically, it was just rotting away, till we decide to go to this haunted house.. $6 per person.. wow.. and i could say the atmosphere was nice.. but not really scary.. and i was fooled when i went to the wrong exit and "something" popped out.. lol.. tt really caught me offguard.. hahaz..
it was a nice experience.. 2nd time since i went to something similar.. hahaz...

now am off to chiong my homeworks.. i've been slacking since friday.. so guilty.. XD haha..

Thursday, April 10, 2008


got my results from ZC, yep, its an A and same for my PW grp members..

wondering how the rest are doing... and the weather's not very nice.. but its so cooling...=p

tmr's the day!!... PW results is tmr already!!

good luck to all.. and ya.. i am going to the bazaar by the lake on sat.

will take some photos soon!! stay tuned! =p

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

GOt TagGed bY Jun HonG

1] At what age do you wish to marry?

Think some where 29<33 haha ="p">

2] What i want the most now?

YUP!!! Good results!

3] Who is the person you trust the most?

Myself.. and me.. hehe =p

4] Do you think you have enough confidence?

wad is confidence? =?

5] If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

Get good A levels results.. Get real...

6] Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

No, i prefer enjoying Rainbow.. cuz i'm greedy.. i wan the Rain+BOW... XD.

7] What are you afraid to lose the most now?


8] Do you believe in eternal love?

erm.. if u love one.. u shud be faithfulllll... i'm full *burp*..

9] If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

lol.. that person would FreAk OUT!!!

10] List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.

GooD Pal.. GAminG Fr3Ak.. Joker also..

11] What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?


12] What feeling do you hate the most?

Being back stabbed..

13] Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

Yes, wad are FrenS 4 anywae.. if u dun treasure.. hehehe

14] Are You always ready to crack a joke?

I'm a jOKE alREADY!! woootsXD

15] What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

Soccer and Frens.

16] Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

The time to have one will come, so.. no hurry =p

17] At this point of time, would you rather stay in your comfort zone or try something new?

I'm too shagged to even venture out... haha..

18] What kind of friend you hope to be in your friend's eyes?

JOKeeeR.. hehe.. no la.. probably one to depend on anytime...

19] What age do you wanna die at?

die when i have to..

20] What is your current favourite song?

Love Song by Sarah Bareilles

INSTRUCTIONS: remove 1 question from above and type in your own question. tag 8 people to do this quiz!

i WOULD Tagged... Arnold, Ching YING, Govin, Liang Ting, Meiqi, Nicky, Peiyi n Zheng Hui.. haha.. have fun..

omg.. guang wei.. u scammed me with ur choco mint box.. =p lol.. i haven got time to process things. then.. lol.;.. haha.. get it from me .. =D haha

today was a darn long day.. with GP extra lessons and Chem..

and its raining so heavily.. eee... so decided to do physics spa work with josh, ee, wc, matong n shing.. wad de.. then realised i was outcast... after a damn long while.. super lagg.. cuz the rest of them were working on the same factors except me.. argh..

lols.. then after this, now i'm blogging...
gonna do some work later..

i'm not gonna be so lag already.. =p.. XD

Monday, April 7, 2008

lols.. today is MONDAY haha =p crapping again.. anyway.. today woke up rather late.. missed the early sign in thingy.. so when i reached the bus stop outside of white sands and boarded the bus,

met eng liang and kelvin.. then cuz we were really gonna be late.. so we were juz beside the bus driver... so we psychoed the driver..
"erm.. siao liao.. sure late one.. if only can skip all the stops" etc conversations..

then as if the driver heard us... the bus just skipped past all the stops and YAY!!.. we were saved!! .. phew.. thks driver.. =)

then here to say something... i'm so dumb.. hahaz.. yesterday night, while i was clearing my inbox on my phone.. then saw a msg. : "Call me urgently. Bad news for you." then i was wondering.. if that was an april fools msg.. where's the april fool thingy.. then omg.. to my horror.. i realise i didn scroll down to the end of the msg.

then when i did, here's wad i saw. "r u shocked? Fwd to ur frens n see how many cute ppl don read the msg full. APRIL FOOLS!!! Hahaha :) ..." omg.. today is already 7th april, which means i was lagging for almost a week already since 1st april.. lol..

and off to do my work.. already..

*study hard but sleep right and stay healthy always =) =p*

Sunday, April 6, 2008

i'm am so relieved.. spoke to arnold juz now.. found out y he wasnt replying to my msgs... cuz he was mapling since there was a 2x exp day.. lol.. and yup.. he forgave me already.. so case closed.. and i'm so blurdy glad.. woots... =)

and tmr's the start of the week already... arh.. it sure feels great to have completed ur work to the start of the new week.. woots..
yay.. =)

go slack liao..=)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

today was NPCC@CCHMS' dunno how many th campfire.. so the same things just go..
and i went there plainly for soccer...

met up with nick, dq, n jona to join the juniors for soccer.. where it jus had to rained.. so hid in the hall and played on the carpet laid by wushu team there.. got scolded..

when the rain ceased.. we continued to play...
after that, we sneaked into the juniors bunks and munch on their canned food..
then was campfire.. emo again.. arh.. then joked around with the ex ex NCOS.

even si long, a long long lost pal.. returned.. but some didnt turn up.. oh wells..

then the guys had late dinner at old airport road as usual..



u'll normally see news of frauds happening to old ppl.. but i was scammed..

my frens and i , 3 of us ordered fried rice and hor fun.. then went to buy drinks... so after, i offered to pay for everything first.. then the old lady said.. "$11.50"
so i paid so...
later when i asked my fren for the $4 for his plate of fried rice.. he said "i already paid it by myself.."

so the equation goes like this..

(my friend's hor fun)$4 + (my fried rice)$4 +(my fren's fried rice)$3.50 = $11.50 $8...

aiyah.. me am clown again.. always ridiculously being laughed and becoming the center of jokes...

sian... not the matter of money.. but how come i so blur.. kena scammed...=) oh wells...

Friday, April 4, 2008

dun look at me : ARNOLD><>

anyway, here's to announce : is BACK!!!

today was a real short day.. but things jus get so farnie.. someone broke the table off from the sit in the LT... my classmate.. =_+"'...

then was maths tutorial.. super lame.e....
in probablilty, there is conditional probability, then the tutor start to point to his hair... when he mentioned "conditional"...

Probability of T is probabilty of sugar + probablity of cream - Probablilty of sugar with cream...

haha.. and then was studying in the library with yz, nx, and..mervyn.. they were talking bout a gal.. in the library.. who i assumed they supposed is CHIO?,... heck care.. hahaa... but the librarian auntie chipped in with their conversation as well.. WTH!?..

then studied with cheuk wing, gerald and nicholas.. hahaa.. lame things also la..
watching the soccer match of MJC against AJC was even crappier.. with kevan and louis at their very high... siao.. haha..

btw, the score was 2-0 in MJ's favour.
gonna go sleep le.e.... and there's scandal to my ogms again... omg.. is it ogm or omg or gmo or mog, mgo.. haha.. permutations...

good nite to all.. and i apologise for my past posts abt my class. becuz i'm MOTIVATED AGAIN...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What My Name Means

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.

You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.

You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.

You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.

Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.

You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.

You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.

A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.

You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.

Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

Your Power Color Is Magenta

At Your Highest:

You energize yourself and push others to succeed.

At Your Lowest:

You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed.

In Love:

You are surprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet.

How You're Attractive:

Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you.

Your Eternal Question:

"What is my next source of inspiration?"

What's Your Power Color?

today was a looong day.. omg..
so sianx... anywae.. i was juz so freaking embarrassed when my chem tutor said this in class: " ur class seems to have a very good class spirit, and u all study together right?"

omg.. how did he ever infer that?.. i was so embarrassed.. what the hell have i been doing so far?... is it all my fault? that the class has never : "erm.. do u all wanna study out ?"

and i was also real disappointed when zahir was designated to have his 5km run today for colosseum. "who wans to support zahir, go watch him run pls?"... no answer.. i simply felt like a loser, a retard, a clown... like,.. OI, i'm THE CLASS CHAIR PERSON OKAY?.. and THE GUY RUNNING 5KM, not 5M, is ur CLASSMATE, NOT A STRANGER... and like.. no answer..

and some answers i got were like.." 5.30 arh.. so late.. think cannot la.. need go home"
i replied :" do wad?"
answer: "study"... ><"' haiz.. even my fren from s413 came down to support zahir, so i felt super disappointed of 210.. really.. this isnt the first time already.. i felt so pity for zahir.. i think that even though he always says go home la.. nvm.. la.. but i understand that he needs our support to do such a feat.. 5km is not 5M,... u dun juz run it like chicken-feet... he needed our encouragement.. but.. everyone for their own interest.. heck care... so ended up, there was rain, so the run was postponed.. but i didnt regret staying back.. becuz i'm sure he was glad someone was there.. at least from the same class. should anyone from my class see this, they probably anti me.. but seriously.. S210 suxs.... because of me... ME> sux.

i feel damn retarded..

and some people in class just act like they damn mug... " hand up tmr hor.. or else u will know it.." pet phrase.. anywae.. ppl juz keep mugging.. and ended getting Us.. so wad is the point of the improvement if the grade is still U "nvm.. at least i improved by a bit ".. lol.. and these ppl juz mug almost everywhere.. worse than me hor.. then they get this kind of result.. make others feel like bastard them.. since they always act mug and fierce in class... subject rep big arh...always shout during the particular subject like hooligan... for goodness sake la.. keep that little sanity and behave not like.. some (spare me..) ill-mannered...wadeva..

i was super demoralised when tutors ask us to TARGET SET.. i think my chem tutor also saw it.. but didn say anything..

when i told gerald abt things from my class.. he also laughed.. really.. my class is a laughing stock..

again.. will we ever study out at all?...

btw,... i feel like studying @ T3 this sunday.. anyone?... tag me.. or sms me..or msn me..
maybe i shudn have raise my hands then.. things wouldn have been in this state either.

Jeffry Lim:
insanity : 20/20
leadership -infinity/20

crap la... whats the problem with u all? dun give me these attitude la..

omg.. i so really nid help arh...

Your Thinking is Concrete and Random

You are naturally inquisitive and curious.

You're excited by new ideas, and you are a true independent thinker.

You are interested in what is possible. You like the process of discovery.

You are often experimenting, challenging old ideas, and inventing new concepts.

Rules, restrictions, and limit don't really work for you.

You have to do things your own way, and you can't be bothered to explain yourself.

What Kind of Thinker Are You?

i thought this was quite true.. my thinking: RANDOM><

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

make no mistake, this was what i wanted to talk about in my previous post.
1st April (April Fool)

click on those pictures to take a look.. and guess wad!!

nth to say..?!.. hahax.. i thought it was a april fool joke.. but turned out that it was for our own good.. to brush up on our english. but surprisingly, it has been ages since we've seen MCQ for english... hahaha XDXD..

and i got april fooled yesterday!!!! arh...
recieved a msg.. and it goes like : Call me urgently. Bad news for you.

lols.. and i was asleep then at 11+ pm. so i woke up at about 3+am... saw this msg and decide to wait for further msgs.. then wait wait wait.. until 5am still nth.. so i slept... and i woke up at 7.40am.. arh.... missed the early sign-in today.. sian..
lols.. tio boxed.. =B... lol.. then i got a msg in the morning: haha.. its april fool.

omg.. i got april fooled.. my classmates laughed too when they heard abt it.. laugh abt wad? of course is me la.. =) haha.. wad de...
haha.. glad to provide some laughter..

and today was training.. played with the gal team again.. so sianz.. then me n cheuk wing on the left.. think the left side was very nicely played.. and i did two nic3 pass... across the right back of the gal to pass to the left wing.. woots.. but my cross still.. =X..

and the team playing by the 3-touch rule really looks dam united and team work!!!.. keep it up..

gonna catch a nap b4 i start memorising the chem skill A chemical tests arh...

omg.. april fool... =p