Thursday, May 1, 2008

well.. just back from T3 from studying.. yup.. labour day is officially not a break for students.. in fact.. its a push-myself-more-since-got-more-free-time day.. rofl..

and yup.. about yesterday.. think some ppl already know.. i got totally burnt-out... yep.. worn out..
never slept on tuesday.. spent time chem spaing.. then went to sch to realise i was retarded to stay awake.. then was P.E.. chose to do a retest.. to prove myself wrong.. and yep. i was WRONG. blah.. things got very wrong and i got worse than the 1st test.. and at the end of 2.4km... i couldnt find myself balancing.. totally feel like fainting..

went to geog lecture and sleep... i'm so sry...

then was GP.. there was the court trial practice.. and i sat at the back of the class and slept thru the lesson.. i could hear them.. and mrs seng was really nice by not scolding me at all.. and i heard some baskets saying that i was ~emoing~ after i couldnt get gold for napfta.. at that point, i felt like shouting out " erm.. so u got wad? erm.. fail? .. if i silver emo le.. then u shud just bang urself at the wall la.." being in a school team of a cca.. having abt 3 trainings per week... or even more.. call urself a joke.. when u cant even pass ur napfa..

and then was physics tutorial.. ms koh.. also nvr woke me up.. and she went off to revise phy spa.. and after that.. gw woke me up.. then she ask me not to go lecture liao.. cuz go there also sleep... and i just went to sign the early leave form...

i realised that if i normally do not sleep in class.. i will be forgived for once-off cases like such.. and yep..
thks and sry to MRS SENG & MS KOH..

really owe them one.. and tmr is maths and phy lecture tests already.. but my headache is still hurting.. thats why i didnt really achieve efficiency while studying at the airport today... lols..

probably seeing a doc tmr..

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