Wednesday, May 28, 2008

if anyone wans to see how fun the mAgiCA camp was.. here are the pictures... 400++ so better not upload here.. XD

so here is a quick rundown of the camp.

Night 1: friday.
went to eunos with coupon aunty to play soccer with nicky and co. ended very late and rushed home to pack for the camp. met up with nicky, junhong and guohao... as usual in KFC. then
there was this uncle that laughed at nicky in agreement that he was fat. hahahah no offence. XD

4 of us reported late due to our "tution".. in actual fact, only jun hong got tution. hHahaha
reached tao nan to realise that everything has been done, so only left to sleep. XDXD wad a slacker i am.

my house, ignus has been awesome, everyone, house chief, GFs, kids.. all.. so sry.. hahaha super slack sia...

Day1: kids reporting in... or together with their parents XD some parents were just so stressed up..."gosh... my kid's first camp! wad will happen?" haha.. u could just burst and laugh seeing all these.

then ice-breakers and ya.. my grp has this guy/girl policy. the guys and girls just wont mix. lol

then tt day was the UNamazing Amazing Race at ECP. in case some do not noe.. its East Coast Park. =D K5 or Ignus 5, were complaining of exhaustion and when they got to the first station, i got myself covered in sand by them for a meagre bonus... arh.. and thEY KICKED SAND INTO MY MOUTH. so i barefooted the rest of the race @ ECP.. awesome... call that some feet therapy!!..

night time was some stations games.. so they needed to have ice-cream sticks. then i led my group to the staff room to take a bag of ice-cream sticks.. lol..

Day 2: Dragon boating. nvr nvr go dragonboating with kids becuz u end up drinking kallang.

campfire at night basically was the GFs zi high time... lol.. bet those kids were wondering wad we were doing.

Day 3: station games before kids left. then was appreciation buffet. nicky had a SI CHUAN hahhaha.. and yup.. the same 4guys went to play ball a while before going home.

and yup.. to the kids under my group... jus wanna say sorry... not really a good GF.. always scold scold scold... but hope u all had fun still.. XD "u guys are the most well-behaved group" really made my day!! XD

then i slept thru to the next day.. then went out with gerold to queensway, me eating laksa and looking for a pair of shoes.. but cannot find.. then he bought himself a adidas jacket.

then i went to my aunt's huse to mug lo.... and mugg some more lor... hahaha

Kid: Cher, why dinner like that one?
Me: So... (gives that heck-care face XD)

Kid: Cher, i cannot sleep. Very Noisy
Me: So...

Kid: Cher, they tickle me
Me: So...

hahaha super unlucky to run into me.. hahaha XD

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