Monday, May 12, 2008

juz back home only... should have made it back home earlier..
shud have heeded the advice of chicken wing.. "GO home la" is wad u always hear from him.. diaoz..

and erm... ya... to emphasise on the fact that i am a retard, cw ask me to blog this.
1. got the ball on my feet. going to swing it over my self. gonna be a cool move.
not when i smack the ball in my face... diaoz
2. i'm gonna get my head on the ball.. to head the ball away
the ball got away, without even making contact and i fell..

and there were many more incidents.. like playing shooting hoops with the pull up bars.. navin, joseph, nicky, cw and me.. super retarded routine. XD

and on my way home,i tripped into the lift... come on BEAT that!! =P

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