Sunday, May 4, 2008

Iron man 9/10
omg.. the movie was rather interesting. the way technology thrives is awesome. a super power that develops mass destructive weapons... and the way the main actor builds the amour and his intelligence is worthy of envy.

superb scenes. not very boring throughout the show because nearly every scene is so action-packed. and the
story also has a twist. A change of heart. "I'm not a hero. i'm not the hero type."

and yup.. after all that effort taken by the evil ones to reinvent a war machine, it is rather disappointing that it was destroyed so simply.

lols.. must go and watch arh!!

went to leisure park with gw to study.. on the pretext of studying.. but not really so.. as firstly.. he went in to sportslink to but a slipper cuz he broke his... rofl.. and the funny thing is we spent a whole lot of time not choosing his favourite one, but finding one with his size 12 feet... omg... i'm only like 8.5/9 and he is.. rofl. XD

then there was this group of elderly.. doing line dancing and it was so funny since not really anyone was looking... and yup..

had lunch at pastamania and had seafood miso.. rocks..

then went to koufu to study but quite a lot of ppl.. so i suggested going for a movie first... then yup.. went.. Filmgarde.. is the name of the cinema.. weird.. and the tickets are made of very recycled paper.. cuz very thin.

and yep.. studied till 6++.. then went to look for gw's phone's memory card.. and i bought a zen mp3+video...

yup.. this is it.. =)

off to binomial and poison poisson le.. and i finally noe how to do normal distrib... yay =P (i sounded like myself - a retard ) haha XD

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