Friday, May 9, 2008

who is this?.. lol... mugging? dreaming?.. i dun noe... AUNTY GERALD CAUGHT ON CAM!!>.<

he totally revealed his "aunty spirit" when me, cw, him went to KFC @ boon lay (NOT JURONG EAST) XD

ask him if u wan... remember.. keyword is : mash potato... hahahha.. =D

here's a rundown of today.. woke up early in the morning and did some work... and haha.. smsing also... lol.. and yep... laughing at some ppl... who reached sch later than me.. hmmm.. XD

then was as usual... lessons..

then went to josh's huse to play PS3... then met CW to go jurong east via train to JJC. omg... NVR DO TT AGAIN... PASIR RIS to BOON LAY.. diaoz..



MJC VS SAJC ?-? hahaha... next thursday... planning my ponning... already..

and yep... tmr will be me MIA.. cuz i am going for a camp called CAMP MAGICA?

dunno wad is that.. but will update after i get back on sunday... and more unglam photos awaiting.. =P

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