Saturday, May 17, 2008

sry... this is just a side note.. DONT JUST KEEP COMPLAINING THAT I NEVER UPDATE THE CLASS BLOG. I DONT OWE THE CLASS ANYTHING... stop all that complaining.. i'm getting vexed..

okay.. back to friendlier topics.. went to jalan besar on thursday and friday for MJC VS SAJC and VJC VS ACJC games..

here's a congrats to #19 mjc for inofficially scoring for MJC hahaha XD its a penalty kick.. and yup.. all that training sure paid off.. =P

and wow.. looking forward to next wk's final.. MJC VS VJC

and tried to study today at leisure park in the afternoon.. reached there but wasnt in the mood there to mug.. played my psp there whole time.. tt's y i'm confessing... and saw the MJ odac ppl there think doing cip there.. not sure also.. a few odac ppl only + benji. then came home slacked off also...

will try to make myself study
leisure park or airport tmr? dunno also.. anyone interested sms me.. hahaha XD

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