Saturday, May 31, 2008

a lot to type... and pictures to post... but apparently i can't find my phone usb cable.. darn...

some super overdue pictures juz recieved thru email..
yesterday played soccer at tampines... ok.. much better soccer.. hahhaa.. then went to shop for my tights and gloves for the bike rally tmr. and there were two typical singaporeans loitering about haagen das. lol.. u should know wad they want.

next time bring pail. i lend u. big big wan.. hahahha XDXD

then today was jus plain... wake up-wash up-breakfast-study.

and the weather's super bad... keeps raining. think yesterday nicholas said something about today whole day rain if something something.. can't rmb.

and i met amos today at leisure park kallang. the one who hasnt really changed much. still the typical guy. yup. he may have retained then, but he has picked himself up and he is currently a student counsilor in TPJC. congrats and work hard man.. XD

off to sleep again... been sleeping these few days.. muz be the kids @ tao nan.. hahhaha XDXD

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

if anyone wans to see how fun the mAgiCA camp was.. here are the pictures... 400++ so better not upload here.. XD

so here is a quick rundown of the camp.

Night 1: friday.
went to eunos with coupon aunty to play soccer with nicky and co. ended very late and rushed home to pack for the camp. met up with nicky, junhong and guohao... as usual in KFC. then
there was this uncle that laughed at nicky in agreement that he was fat. hahahah no offence. XD

4 of us reported late due to our "tution".. in actual fact, only jun hong got tution. hHahaha
reached tao nan to realise that everything has been done, so only left to sleep. XDXD wad a slacker i am.

my house, ignus has been awesome, everyone, house chief, GFs, kids.. all.. so sry.. hahaha super slack sia...

Day1: kids reporting in... or together with their parents XD some parents were just so stressed up..."gosh... my kid's first camp! wad will happen?" haha.. u could just burst and laugh seeing all these.

then ice-breakers and ya.. my grp has this guy/girl policy. the guys and girls just wont mix. lol

then tt day was the UNamazing Amazing Race at ECP. in case some do not noe.. its East Coast Park. =D K5 or Ignus 5, were complaining of exhaustion and when they got to the first station, i got myself covered in sand by them for a meagre bonus... arh.. and thEY KICKED SAND INTO MY MOUTH. so i barefooted the rest of the race @ ECP.. awesome... call that some feet therapy!!..

night time was some stations games.. so they needed to have ice-cream sticks. then i led my group to the staff room to take a bag of ice-cream sticks.. lol..

Day 2: Dragon boating. nvr nvr go dragonboating with kids becuz u end up drinking kallang.

campfire at night basically was the GFs zi high time... lol.. bet those kids were wondering wad we were doing.

Day 3: station games before kids left. then was appreciation buffet. nicky had a SI CHUAN hahhaha.. and yup.. the same 4guys went to play ball a while before going home.

and yup.. to the kids under my group... jus wanna say sorry... not really a good GF.. always scold scold scold... but hope u all had fun still.. XD "u guys are the most well-behaved group" really made my day!! XD

then i slept thru to the next day.. then went out with gerold to queensway, me eating laksa and looking for a pair of shoes.. but cannot find.. then he bought himself a adidas jacket.

then i went to my aunt's huse to mug lo.... and mugg some more lor... hahaha

Kid: Cher, why dinner like that one?
Me: So... (gives that heck-care face XD)

Kid: Cher, i cannot sleep. Very Noisy
Me: So...

Kid: Cher, they tickle me
Me: So...

hahaha super unlucky to run into me.. hahaha XD

Monday, May 26, 2008

CAMP MAGICA IS SO MAGICAL!!... because.. i managed to get back at last after 4 gruesome days!!..

lols.. posted some pictures.
woke up only this morning 10am after i reached home yesterday afternoon.

i was assigned to K5 with shirley. the kids are actually very obedient.. partly cuz i kept shouting at them. but it paid off after i heard that my group was the most well-behaved kids.

basically, these 4 days were tough but priceless.

and i didnt slack as i wanted to.. ended up being their Cheer I.C... can believe or not? me cheering like mad? =D

taught them some callisto-modified cheers. and even using soccer cheers. taught the other GFs--> Group Facilitators the callisto everybody dance now.. clapping thingy.. but the kids really cannot understand.. haha..

and yup.. i really enjoyed the camp these few days, thanks to everyone including the kids.
and i'm moving to my aunt's place in hougang soon. so think i'll be blogging even lesser..

cherish every moment. learn to learn.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

courtesy of the coupon aunty, this was wad happened today when i spoke to him.

the conversation was in sch so i didnt manage to save a copy of the message history.
Jeff: so tmr go sch study k?

Aunty: k. then wear wad?

Jeff: anything lor. but wear long pants if not cannot go library

Aunty: then i wear my $3 cheap ***.

hahaha i was laughing and so was my fren beside me.
this is done in accordance to somebody's appeals after ppl suaned abt fat. hahaha XD

this is purely for fun and yup.. i'll release the words an alphabet a day. Starting from next Monday.
i'm away on a camp this weekend. dun miss me XDXD

and yup... as usual, MJC has screwed up the e-learning. the server has busted since JC1s and 2s are spamming the site.. lols..

well.. done with today's e-learning *grins*

tmr will go sch with aunty to study.. Hahaha XD

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


MJC V.S VJC : 2-1

today hails the day of reckoning. very slack day but not very nice day. EArly LEcture --> Physics. last lecture of the term. kudos to ms koh.

then everything was just routine until the game itself.
i was very pissed off before that as people in my class wanted to pon the "final" to go home sleep; go home play computer. i hate these people, even if i have to respect them, though i can't bring myself to agree with them. it made me feel super lousy, unlike other classes where everyone went to jalan besar. i didnt expect anyone to pon something not lecture or tutorialss... oMg...

then on the way there... pathetic, only me, ivan, desmond, tx, zahir, meiqi, weilin, shiying, kristin, shatyin, cheryl. lol... lousy class.. i hate!!!!!

then i was kind enuff to lend zahir my psp.. he got thrashed 8-0 by west ham. he was using arsenal. lol. i listened to songs on my ZEN.

then was jalan besar. i realised many of my classmates... erm.. in fact, none of them knew how to leave the stadium and go home later... lol..

the game was labelled with VJC being the favourites and personally, i'm sry to admit that upon performances, i thought VJC might sneak 1 or 2 beyond MJC.

the 1st goal by MJC was deemed "lucky" by many. and thanks lots to the girls beside me who were literally clapping the clappers and me. lols..
answered questions by them about the game. XD

yup. i totally take my hat off for the security guard. he was awesome. totally charismatic.

and i felt different this game becuz the bunch of jokers are not around to tok crap. beside me are girls looking at suave guys, and twins just watching the game.


and tmr i'm gonna go sch to do my e-learning to increase efficiency.

i plan to sign up for the nikeplus run. and i just signed up for 128km Bike Rally.
this weekend, camp @ Tao Nan Pri.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

the moon is bright.

and round.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Made of Honor: 7/10
this show was watched when i was getting bored from studying.. so i anticipated it to be a laughter..

well.. the plot was kinda predictable. and it wasn't comedy enough. the jokes were added into the show at some appropriate times when it gets bored.

Tom is a love-or-hate guy. He has simply everything.. even the lifestyle that he lives is exaggerating.. and he finally realises the importance of marriage and responsibility... not being a casanova anymore.

after Hannah leaves him for scotland for work, she meets Colin (looks like Dirk Kuyt XD) who is seemingly on par, or even better than Tom. A Scotland Duke, Owner of largest Wine Distillery in Scotland and he has different castles for the 4 seasons. OMG...

the last part when Tom screws up their wedding, one will feel pity for Colin but yet envy Tom for having won the beauty's hand once again. The punch was so uncalled for.

super random day.. went to leisure park study.. quantum physics.. then bored le... so go see wad movie to watch... then sian.. iron man watch le.. then i saw the made of honor.. so watch.. =D

and the ppl there (can count with fingers only..) super pathetic inside the cinema less than 20 ppl.. but those ppl just keep laughing like their home theatre.. lol.. so inconsiderate.

then went leaving, i was walking to the bus stop and saw a bus arriving.. i got to the bus in time and boarded before realising that it was bus No. 16 instead of 11...

so much for a random day. =P

Saturday, May 17, 2008

sry... this is just a side note.. DONT JUST KEEP COMPLAINING THAT I NEVER UPDATE THE CLASS BLOG. I DONT OWE THE CLASS ANYTHING... stop all that complaining.. i'm getting vexed..

okay.. back to friendlier topics.. went to jalan besar on thursday and friday for MJC VS SAJC and VJC VS ACJC games..

here's a congrats to #19 mjc for inofficially scoring for MJC hahaha XD its a penalty kick.. and yup.. all that training sure paid off.. =P

and wow.. looking forward to next wk's final.. MJC VS VJC

and tried to study today at leisure park in the afternoon.. reached there but wasnt in the mood there to mug.. played my psp there whole time.. tt's y i'm confessing... and saw the MJ odac ppl there think doing cip there.. not sure also.. a few odac ppl only + benji. then came home slacked off also...

will try to make myself study
leisure park or airport tmr? dunno also.. anyone interested sms me.. hahaha XD

Thursday, May 15, 2008

i am mugging for my chem test tmr.. but after glancing at some ppl's blog, and seen wad happen today.. i have the urge to bitch...

lol.. this goes out to anyone.. so dun feel offended.

if u have a big mouth... no no no..

i mean a loud voice...


i don't want to hear u either


if u see this? just freaking shut up. shouting are for kids.. so pls grow up. mother earth is dying via pollution. and u are one of the largest emitters.
if u call that a talent... i see.. every class has 2. (loud speakers)
do u noe how irritating is it to just hear ur loud sound. (sry, i dont define it as a voice)
and the fact is that no one tries to shut u up.

omg.. i could hear u from one storey away. and no one has even told u to shut up. fine.. if u are in a ******** ( i also dun noe i do * for wad) then wad? cannot even just shut up arh...

sry to those affected by this post.. its just me feeling super pissed off becuz its not the first time this noise pollution thing has affected me. how i wish my class was far far away from his. even ear plugs couldn't deter the sound.

up till now.. i wonder y no one tells him to shut his trap.

ok... i've got a lot more to type.. but i got a little less time to study.. Bb

btw.. mjc soccer boys are in the finals.. after a real close shave.. and i salute the Saints as well.. for their outstanding play.. they deserve better.. considering the performance they put up... but well.. reality is cruel.. sry saints!

Monday, May 12, 2008

juz back home only... should have made it back home earlier..
shud have heeded the advice of chicken wing.. "GO home la" is wad u always hear from him.. diaoz..

and erm... ya... to emphasise on the fact that i am a retard, cw ask me to blog this.
1. got the ball on my feet. going to swing it over my self. gonna be a cool move.
not when i smack the ball in my face... diaoz
2. i'm gonna get my head on the ball.. to head the ball away
the ball got away, without even making contact and i fell..

and there were many more incidents.. like playing shooting hoops with the pull up bars.. navin, joseph, nicky, cw and me.. super retarded routine. XD

and on my way home,i tripped into the lift... come on BEAT that!! =P

Sunday, May 11, 2008


call me antisocial... cuz i still dunno my house ppl's names.. LOL

haha.. just woke up after coming back from tao nan pri. here's a rundown of the activities.. i met someone who happened to be more suay(unlucky) than me during the camp.

started the day screwed up when i woke up at 8am while i was supposed to meet my fren at 6.40am and reach tao nan at 7.30... omg... so i chionged a cab.

when i reached, i alighted and rushed to find the gathering place. saw an uncle... asked him where my bunk is. he kindly directed me to the classroom and i left my belongings there.. i was rather apprehensive then, as i saw some female-type bags.. GUys wouldnt have those kinda bags.. (i'm not sexist)..XD so i didnt care and rushed for the briefing. erm... WHERE IS MY HP?

omg.. i realised i lost my HP. SCREWED UP, i thought. borrowed phone from my frens to call comfort to report loss.. then the comfort just didnt reply. i was nearly 0 motivated to move already.. thinking that i came here to do good deeds and i got screwed up immediately.

then i decided to call my hp. the call was rejected.. OMG.. somebody muz be holding it.. sure whack the guy whu take and reject the call.. then i call again.. the call got thru.. a lady. " is this the owner of the phone? pls come to the HOD rm..." oMG.. super duper lucky..

went to the HOD rm and the HOD told me that another auntie (yup, the HOD is the 1st auntie XDXD) found it in the centre of the carpark.. *CENTRE* of the CARPARK... luckily she didnt found a series of scrap metal.

so i went to the bunk to keep my phone.. and OMG... there were gals inside!... diaoz... then realised my suspicions were spot-on... so i kept my phone and left quickly.. approached my frens before i realised all the guys had their bags in another room.. so i followed suit..

then was meeting my group..(apparently they had finished the ice-breakers without me.. the retard looking for his phone he left in the centre of the carpark) so i felt like loner.. everyone know each other xcept me.. =P

then we decided to do our house flag - killer whale... seriously.. it does not look killer at all.. shall picture it in after this week when i take photos. and i shall admit that i didnt do anything xcept damping the brushes with turpentine.. =D it was rather surprising as most of the volunteers there were not JC1s but 2s.

then was the first game of the day. station games..
1. blindfolded.. stationed at diff positions.. muz recieve an object from the person beside u and pass it onto the other person. the OBJECT WAS : TOFU...?! wah lao... then ended up in a tofu fight and i abstained from it (burma is suffering and we are playing with tofu ahahahh XD)
2. 5X5 grids. supposed to guess the 20 steps needed to take to get from one pt to another... is this feasible for pri sch kids when few JC students cannot memorise the combinations.. hahaha
3. water-based game. standing at diff positions with numbers from 1 to 11, water bombs muz be successfully transferred from a number to another.. eg. 13452679, 1 mus pass to 3 then to 4.. so throwing of the bombs will be crucial.. and there was a poor gal whom had to recieve bomb from a Hwa chong guy who just has too much strength.. lols.. think 5 or 6 bombs just landed on her consecutive. XD
4. 5. cannot rmb.. mus be super redundant ones.. hahahah

then was lunch.

amazing race.. at ECP.. its the MOST UNAMAZING AMAZING RACE!!.. walked all the way to ECP then just follow to diff stations and listen to ppl briefing on the stations then next stations.
in short.. it was a moving lecture.. u just walk and listen.. super UNAMAZING..
met this guy call guo hao.. whos probably another joker that can really click. hahaha.. shall talk more on him later.

me, duck, nic, gh left ECP after the race as it was OTOT - Own Time Own Target. went to 7-11 to stock up tibits for night.
so we walked back tao nan. we were feeling little bored so decide to look for balls..


then back to tao nan.. was time for flag-making which my group had already finished and a tour of the sch grounds.. (omg... sian) but it only lasted 5 mins as my group leader just showed us where the toilets were...

then was OTOT for dinner.. haha.. didnt feel like joining my group for dinner.. so went with duck, nic, gh @ KFC in parkway. then we bused back and i bought iced coffee also. so we went back to the bunk and we enjoyed the aircon in the bunk.. (apparently, this is the only bunk with operational aircon) haaha..i was in the toilet while the guys went bunk first. so i walked back bunk and i tripped and fell into class room.. lols.. screwed up.

then i drank the iced coffee i had.. tasted weird and i took a closer look. "iced coffee flavoured milk" OMG... MILK... i wonder if there is any cure for retards.. =P

evening was night games.. i think it was the best time of the camp.. in groups of (self-chosen) 4, we can chose to scavenge hunt for items to exchange for ice-cream sticks - the currency in the game to play a battle royale shooting hoops, balloon sword fighting, scissors-paper-stone , or a quiz (omg.. the quiz is all abt tao nan.. how to do arh..) or a skit which can be singing a song backwards or any creative dance.

me, duck,nic, gh formed a group and were the first to leave the briefing while the rest were still forming groups lol.. then we went back to bunk and the crazy stuff started..
items for scavenger hunt that we found:
- 1987 $1 coin ->courtesy of nic
- FBT shorts -> mine
- size 11 shoes -> Nic
- white watch ->Nic
- tie -> duck.. wth would he bring a tie? no prize for guessing cuz he forget to pack his bag.. lol
- calculator -> my GC.. lucky i'm a mugger =P
- black specs -> mine wasnt black at all.. but when we went to the parade square (it was very dark) we said my blue specs was black and they believed.. XD
- purple shirt -> this is super random as we didnt have such a color.. so i looked around the bunk and saw something. kids had drawn a lot of shirts - purple ones with their names on it. so we took the paper shirt.. hahaha and it was allowed.. bet no one else would have thought of.
- poka dots shirt -> haha.. which retard would bring this? not me.. but i found another paper pokadot shirt hanging in the classroom.. hahaa..
- stuffed toy -> Guo hao wanted to stuff my rubiks cube in a sleeping bag and tell them that it was a stuffed toy.. literally toy being stuffed. =P

then we loitered abt the staff room looking for things.. before i came across ice-crem sticks.. 1 whole bag of them... RMB? ice-cream sticks were the currency there.. meaning we just found ourselves a gold bar!!.. hahaha.. no body would actually be looking for ice-cream sticks than us idea of duck as others would be very honest to be looking for items to exchange for sticks..
but we were also very nice.. didnt reallly take a lot of sticks..XD

rushed off to the basket ball court to play the shooting hoops.. thrashed the station ics and won double sticks.. played with the chiefs also and we won 2-1 i scored both alright?! XD
then we also played the balloon sword fight.. i was the one blindfolded with the sword supposed to touch the opponent's shoulder with sword.. i was playing cheat as i was able to see them. so when it started, i raced to the back of the opponent and touched him.. hahaha..
but we still lost.

then scissors paper stone. the station ics had won a group's ice cream sticks. ALL of it.. and even the one stick we donated to them XD. we decided to break their wining streak. it was a team effort and i guess i came up with quite a number of winining decisions also. hahaha..

then we decided to do the skit.. or song backwards one.. GH asked if we could sing indian songs.. the ics agreed and we laughed cuz we could anyhow blah blah blah and it would all sound the same.. hahaha... in the end we didnt do it.. so yup.. that was the game.. damn joke. XD

then was night - OTOT again.. went to bathe before mugging.. i managed to find the switch to the projector and computer and ppl from MI decided to make a movie screening from youtube hahaha.. and ya.. this is the first time in camp where gals came to our bunk and it was like a gambling den all round. couldnt mug at all.. and the movie screening was called-off XD since everyone was gambling so cannot off lights.

then i thought everyone mugging sia.. then no one.. so me n duck mug only.. he actually keep saying "give my 15mins more.. sleep first" until he literally went back to sleep.

then Guo hao was just like looking for the perfect way to sleep... arranging the tables and chairs thru out the night,. (possibly more than 5 diff arrangements/... XDXD) lols..

and he is super suay.. his battery expanded LITERALLY.. hhahaha.. then the phone was damaged.. crap.. he couldnt believe his luck, i guessed.. everyone had no problems charging his phone.. haha..

and when break camp already today, walking out of the sch, he saw his bus leaving already.. not 1 bus but all 4 possible ones.. how unlucky can one get? then when he saw another bus reaching 55, duck told him that bus doesnt alight at this busstop.. hahaha.. so reached home, lunched and slept till now... hahaha.. wondering if i'll finish all my work for tmr or not... sigh!

XDXD and i dont work in a clinic!! =D

Friday, May 9, 2008

who is this?.. lol... mugging? dreaming?.. i dun noe... AUNTY GERALD CAUGHT ON CAM!!>.<

he totally revealed his "aunty spirit" when me, cw, him went to KFC @ boon lay (NOT JURONG EAST) XD

ask him if u wan... remember.. keyword is : mash potato... hahahha.. =D

here's a rundown of today.. woke up early in the morning and did some work... and haha.. smsing also... lol.. and yep... laughing at some ppl... who reached sch later than me.. hmmm.. XD

then was as usual... lessons..

then went to josh's huse to play PS3... then met CW to go jurong east via train to JJC. omg... NVR DO TT AGAIN... PASIR RIS to BOON LAY.. diaoz..



MJC VS SAJC ?-? hahaha... next thursday... planning my ponning... already..

and yep... tmr will be me MIA.. cuz i am going for a camp called CAMP MAGICA?

dunno wad is that.. but will update after i get back on sunday... and more unglam photos awaiting.. =P

Thursday, May 8, 2008

random but its awesome... or.. at least this is wad the class's only collaborative effort...

its all coming to an end soon... real soon.. before u even know it...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

just look at the list of things to be done by tonite...

2 geog essays
1 GP essay preparations
2 GP readings
1 Maths Sampling TUtorial
1 Electro Chem tutorial..

omg.. and here i am typing a way...

i lead a retard's life... one full of retardedness... lmao.. XDXD

gotta fly off... *phew*...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Iron man 9/10
omg.. the movie was rather interesting. the way technology thrives is awesome. a super power that develops mass destructive weapons... and the way the main actor builds the amour and his intelligence is worthy of envy.

superb scenes. not very boring throughout the show because nearly every scene is so action-packed. and the
story also has a twist. A change of heart. "I'm not a hero. i'm not the hero type."

and yup.. after all that effort taken by the evil ones to reinvent a war machine, it is rather disappointing that it was destroyed so simply.

lols.. must go and watch arh!!

went to leisure park with gw to study.. on the pretext of studying.. but not really so.. as firstly.. he went in to sportslink to but a slipper cuz he broke his... rofl.. and the funny thing is we spent a whole lot of time not choosing his favourite one, but finding one with his size 12 feet... omg... i'm only like 8.5/9 and he is.. rofl. XD

then there was this group of elderly.. doing line dancing and it was so funny since not really anyone was looking... and yup..

had lunch at pastamania and had seafood miso.. rocks..

then went to koufu to study but quite a lot of ppl.. so i suggested going for a movie first... then yup.. went.. Filmgarde.. is the name of the cinema.. weird.. and the tickets are made of very recycled paper.. cuz very thin.

and yep.. studied till 6++.. then went to look for gw's phone's memory card.. and i bought a zen mp3+video...

yup.. this is it.. =)

off to binomial and poison poisson le.. and i finally noe how to do normal distrib... yay =P (i sounded like myself - a retard ) haha XD

Saturday, May 3, 2008

here's another update on myself... didnt turn up for sch on friday again... headache..

wahahaha.. and as usual.. the retarded me will go and watch soccer in school again..and omg, MJC thrashed DHS 6-0..

so today i went out in the morning to sengkang to play a friendly for my fren... 11 vs 11.. and yup.. my side lost.. 2-3.. and we were indeed leading 1-0 initially.. then the prata defender twisted his ankle.. so.. yup..the solid rock gone.. then the two makeshift ones just CMI...

and yep.. thought i did not bad.. considering that i had to do overlapping on the left, cover the left flank, track back for the 2 CMI centre backs.. and even standing by on the right... muz be joke...
and yup.. i was so glad that the opponent were only able to concentrate their attacks from the right cuz i NEUTRALISED THEM ON THE LEFT.. XDXD.. so show-off sia.. wahahaha.

anyway... gotta start studying soon already... and just in case some ppl do not know...
there is this stupid issue. i didnt turn up for sch on friday (means no physics and maths test)
apparently both retests are on monday 5.05pm. and for physics, they need to see the MC.. and i realised i forgot to get one from the doc... omg...

i need a miracle.. XD

Thursday, May 1, 2008

well.. just back from T3 from studying.. yup.. labour day is officially not a break for students.. in fact.. its a push-myself-more-since-got-more-free-time day.. rofl..

and yup.. about yesterday.. think some ppl already know.. i got totally burnt-out... yep.. worn out..
never slept on tuesday.. spent time chem spaing.. then went to sch to realise i was retarded to stay awake.. then was P.E.. chose to do a retest.. to prove myself wrong.. and yep. i was WRONG. blah.. things got very wrong and i got worse than the 1st test.. and at the end of 2.4km... i couldnt find myself balancing.. totally feel like fainting..

went to geog lecture and sleep... i'm so sry...

then was GP.. there was the court trial practice.. and i sat at the back of the class and slept thru the lesson.. i could hear them.. and mrs seng was really nice by not scolding me at all.. and i heard some baskets saying that i was ~emoing~ after i couldnt get gold for napfta.. at that point, i felt like shouting out " erm.. so u got wad? erm.. fail? .. if i silver emo le.. then u shud just bang urself at the wall la.." being in a school team of a cca.. having abt 3 trainings per week... or even more.. call urself a joke.. when u cant even pass ur napfa..

and then was physics tutorial.. ms koh.. also nvr woke me up.. and she went off to revise phy spa.. and after that.. gw woke me up.. then she ask me not to go lecture liao.. cuz go there also sleep... and i just went to sign the early leave form...

i realised that if i normally do not sleep in class.. i will be forgived for once-off cases like such.. and yep..
thks and sry to MRS SENG & MS KOH..

really owe them one.. and tmr is maths and phy lecture tests already.. but my headache is still hurting.. thats why i didnt really achieve efficiency while studying at the airport today... lols..

probably seeing a doc tmr..