Monday, March 31, 2008

today was the first day of the week.. and my bad luck jus continues...


shuttle run was screwed up.. think i aggravated my left knee.. after tt.. wasnt able to balance myself (seriously.. no joke =p) and hmm.. think i had to go home..

PS : peiyi haaha..
sry for not staying back for a little while more to pass u the chem papers.. =)

and the termly bitching session was awesome.. (thks lord zeus xD) its not tt i like to bitch.. but these kind of sessions just releases ur pressure cooped up..

gonna go finish my physics report already.. then revision.
enjoy the week.. bad luck should be appreciated..

its time u had a rest, but i still dun wan to stop.. will u give me more time? : TO MY KNEE =)

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