Tuesday, March 11, 2008

omg.. i can't stop myself.. but i promised not to blog recently..

well.. here's a second part of my blur cases..
decided to study during last sunday @ leisure park (near my home). my fren last min ps.. (u noe whu u r.. hehe..) then i had to make my way there myself..

when i reached there.. sat down and had my lunch.. GOSH!!!.. the foodcourt was jus so packed.. sian.. then also got a family ask if they could have the seats beside me.. so.. the good ol' me.. decided to leave.. then on my way home... it jus had to rain... and then while running to the shelter... i slipped again... wth..

then on one particular evening.. i was online.. then i went to do the dishes after dinner.. the floor wasn't very wet.. but i also slipped in the kitchen.. then i put it on the msn nick "omg... i slipped and fell in the kitchen" haiz.. wth..

and to my buddies: pls juz stop that bloody inferring will u?.. if there were really something going on... would i have so much time for u all? so pls.. in order not to get me so freaking irritated (fine, i didn't show it then at T3..) i really cherish the friendship between us all all these years.. all those camps, trainings.. were not for nothing.. and while u both juz blabber away.. and irrationally post some pictures, comments on the blog.. have u spared a thought for me?..

u two are one of the best buddies i have ever had.. and i want it that way, for eternity.. so.. what can i do?...
pls understand the fact that i did not blow up then.. becuz i understood that it was purely an act of mischief.. but.. apparently.. things are going a bit too far for my liking.. i had reiterated that there was simply nothing at all. and u both refused to believe it..

should u both be reading this, u would probably suggest " oo.. so there muz be something on.. tt's y he like tt.." but from another perspective, i hope that u would understand that all those were just simply unbased fabrications (hehe.. GP sia.. =D) so.. ya.. thks in advance for the understanding..

i look like a total retard, total failure, idiot when i'm outside.. but does anyone see the stress within me.. the problems already within me..


phew.. i really nid to chill..

talk to me.. ~_~"'

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