Thursday, March 13, 2008

lol.. here to blabber off abt my progress so far.. PATHETIC XD

went for phy consultation yesterday.. think may pass phy for the first time.. dun want to disappoint anyone, even myself..

yup.. and i wasn't feeling myself today so i gave chem consultation a miss.. so sry. =D
and my progress today was so shitty.. slacked slacked slackeed... yucks.. remind me to study!!!! arghh haha

ok, wadeva.. i dun wish to talk ~emo~ again.. so heck care.. same goes for the ones u know urselves..

and i finished naruto manga series today omg.. at the expense of my block test.. scold me so.. i am so guilty.. wah sian.. now i'm gonna read and understand the geog tutorials.. i'm trying hard to at least grab a sub-pass..

hopefully u all will do just great in the block test.. =D everyone will.. me? haha.. sure or not? ! heheh..

waiting for the impt exams to be over =D
so looking forward =D

(this is so meaningful XD)
You are not my friend anymore, You are my best friend already

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