Friday, March 14, 2008

i just have a wretched life.. dun understand.. here how it goes.

  1. i splattered the LCD screen on my PSP.. yes.. literally splattered when it wasnt in my hands nor was i looking at it.. actually, i had the earphone on my ear and the PSP. as i bent down to pick up my bag.. the psp dropped from the table and PIANG!!... omg..
well.. it does come at a right time, since block test is on the way.. so wadeva.. but have to spend $$ on the LCD screen.

2. as mentioned, the block test is coming already.. and recently, my GC - Graphic Caculator jus broke down on me.. jus as a tutor told me to get prepared in case it really spoilts since it had showed some symptons already - like anything times 10 gives u 0 since the "1" button cannot press. argh..

3. jus as i m typin all these, i realised my keyboard "left" n "right" arrows are not working... omg...

see, this is not a fantasy, its real and its nightmare =x sianed.. gonna have to spend $$ again... arh..

oh wells.. =D

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