Tuesday, March 18, 2008


finally, tmr marks the end of MBT... dunno if its good or bad.. anyway.. so wanting to go out for a movie.. anyone? wadeva..

here's a short update on my life..

on the eve of MBT (sunday), asked Dong out to study (k, fine.. he asked me =D) @ leisure Park as usual.. wasn't feeling well already but still put up a brave front.. XD. there was some cheerleading competition going on and well.. ya.. gals. gals gals. so the good ol' fren of mine wouldn't stop looking at them.. "its very distracting" (hahah.. =D) well.. he ate at KFC b4 we planted our butts at the foodcourt..

already feeling not right cuz i felt extremely cold already when i entered the mall.. i tried to do work. then got juz really so cold i put on my jacket.. then.. did work.. after 2 qns.. " i sleep until 2pm then u call me" he answered "huh!! 2 Hrs arh!! " kk.. fine.. i went to nap.. then woke again at 1.30.. then nap again.. then my stomach wasnt feeling right.. so went to toilet to try vomit but i see the toilet also dun feel like le.. so went back.

tried concentrating... hmmm......


hmmm...... i couldn't take it by abt 3.45pm.. so i asked if i wanted to leave go home to rest. so took a cab..

ya.. ended up wasting that day,, and screwed up the revision.. haha..

turned out that the night was harsh cuz i had a really high fever.. legs were scorching already.. took an ice pack.. tossed n turned thru the night.. thkfully phys was a late paper...

i ought to thank ppl for reminding me not to take drowsy pills in the morning..
(cuz i seriously almost did that when i saw the pills on the table.. lol)
and i guess tt's the only person who asked abt my condition after what i wrote on my nick.. haha.. as sayings goes " a fren in need is a fren indeed" xD okok.. fine.. the rest probably are busy mugging..

anyway.. today was the second day of MBT.. GEOG.. didnt study last night cuz the fever juz happens to recurr during the night.. then have to study in the morning.. so probably flunked the paper since i chose to ignore WEATHERING which came out a huge CHUNK.. haha..

tmr's chem n maths.. maths is a gooner.. but i'm banking on chem.. though i haven passed chem before.. hahaha.. my target for this MBT would be a grade that is better than C.. (my highest grade ever.. haha.. =D)

so ya.. good luck to all.. and off to my pills and zzzzZZZz

wad will u be given when u r sick? MC- Medical Cert
wad will u be given when u r dead? DC- Direct Current Death Certificate.. hope that was cold...

when tyco needs skills, skills need tyco... so in conclusion u r skilled.. who needs skills? JUST be TYCO!! woots (chimalogy) ^_^

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