Thursday, March 27, 2008

just finished watching the 9pm chn 8 drama (Just In Singapore)..

super crap and skeptical.. just seeing them vying for a vat.. so disgusting..
its probably true that the few million dollars is enticing.. but to see them vie for the vat in the dark.. just makes all of them look like clowns.. lol..
haha.. also suggests that the value of things go skyrocketing when demand increases.. wow.. =p
i'm so bored cuz i dun feel like doing any work right now.. but everyone is working away...

sigh.. maybe i shud join them to vy for the vat.. yay.. $$ XD haha.. money-faced..

wonder how S210 ppl celebrated the bday of term 1 babies.. without plates and forks.. really will die when i nvr go sch...

seeing other ppl's blogs.. i also come to realise that its March/ April already.. year 2 already..

what has 07S210 done together so far?...
we have come so far.. but here are some facts that i think my frens will laugh at my incapability ..
  1. more than 1 person in the class has never turn up for any class-organised outing (yes.. just a outing with no purpose)
  2. 1 or more people are against the idea of celebrating ppl's bday by buying bday cakes and presents reason being : $$..
  3. more than 1 person has left S210 due to any other reason. the earliest was before June last yr.
  4. No One has asked about studying together out at all.. Yes, hard to believe it rite, NONE AT ALL
  5. There has been NO class outing at ALL since this year.
  6. When after a MBT paper, u walk out of the gate to see some of S210 already across the bridge at the bus stop already.
  7. some of them who are at the same bus stop do not even bother to talk to you.
  8. when going home via MRT, one cannot afford to wait for another person who is buying a drink and decides, "hey, i'll take the train first".
  9. U see running out of the classroom after lessons during recess just to grab a bite or get to the library or.. in short, to MUG
  10. U walk past them in sch and they see nothing, say nothing and walk past. u look like a total retard saying hi.
  11. when ppl complains of paying lotsa class fund when they continue to get their hands on the latest notes asap.
  12. when everybody appears to be wearing a mask. Secretive about how they study.
  13. "ai yah... nvr study la" and u get 2X my result.
  14. CCA CCA CCA.. some people just dun hav a class..
  15. Bullies, when they only dare to swear at ones that keep mum.
  16. seriously MUG when a grp work ends up becoming an individual work. doesnt even bothers to find a grp.
  17. NO time NO time for anything that the CG chair says.. but i see otherwise..
  18. NO Chalet NO CHAl3T... cuz $$.. saving up for the whole yr for $10 is mission impossible.. hahaa chicken laughing stock. XD
  19. u dun see ppl smsing each other at random... the smses u receive always starts with : "Relay: pls..."
  20. A D-grade is a blessing in disguise for me.. but its a earth-shaking disaster for some others.
sry, i jus have a lot pressured in myself, with nobody to talk to,.. cuz everyone's "BUSY"... haha XD

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