Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i'm weak..

block test is finally over.. actually.. its quite short come to think of it again.. oh nvm..
maths was a gooner.. nvr gonna pass it anywae.. sry mr tee.. sry maths notes.. =D

think chem was much better.. at least i think i'm progressing to the extent that i'm able to understand more of the concepts at chemistry than i used to..

still i can solve the mole question on complete combustion CxHy + (x + y/4) O2 = x CO2 + y/2 H2O.. alamak.. somebody enlighten me..

and my fever is almost fading away... but the throat is bugging me non-stop.. herbal tea, jelly wadeva the pills.. syrup.. doesn't work.. so i dun really am talking a lot if ppl do notice.. cuz it really hurts..

arh.. nvr had a lasting throat prob b4.. really hoped it will end soon.. and
tmr is free.. but i've got nth on.. and i dunno wad shud i actually do... movie? just plain going out? or MUGGING? hahah just jokin.. i would bang myself right in the wall right at this instant.. lol..

kk.. and ya.. as usual.. the crappy me is probably gonna play soccer real soon.. *coughs* really irritaing throat.. argh... oh wells.. y always i organise street soccer? alamak.. =D nvm.. i'm afterall LOGISTICS *smirk* heheh jkjk...

reflections of the year so far..

really learnt a lot more this year.. especially through the process of orientation.. in the midst of having fun.. i had to learn to interact with ppl nicely.. to sort out problems.. and ya.. reality is not utopia..

and of course more frens made from there also.. hopefully the PAE 08S301 will organise some outing soon..

and i've undergone counseling.. and i had to learn how to sleep efficiently, ya.. cuz i always have problem sleeping.. not actually stress but that a lot of things going thru in my head.. so the head just doesn switch off.

hmm.. ya.. anger.. i have even better control of it.. havent really been mad, meaning literally showing it.. cuz i guess i'm more mature already.. 17 yrs old le.. some more leading a bunch of ppl who are all my ge ge and jie jie.. mus mature faster.. XD

sometimes, i still wonder *coughs* if i did the right decision... stood up to ask for it.. "i wan to be the chairperson simply because of my testimonial.. cuz my cca sux.. but if given the chance, i will serve with everything i got.."

guess there's no looking back.. after the camp, trainings, frens made.. and.. ya.. everything nice..

well.. and i'm hopefully trying to find my purpose hahah.. objectives in life.. i'm still lost..

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