Monday, March 31, 2008

today was the first day of the week.. and my bad luck jus continues...


shuttle run was screwed up.. think i aggravated my left knee.. after tt.. wasnt able to balance myself (seriously.. no joke =p) and hmm.. think i had to go home..

PS : peiyi haaha..
sry for not staying back for a little while more to pass u the chem papers.. =)

and the termly bitching session was awesome.. (thks lord zeus xD) its not tt i like to bitch.. but these kind of sessions just releases ur pressure cooped up..

gonna go finish my physics report already.. then revision.
enjoy the week.. bad luck should be appreciated..

its time u had a rest, but i still dun wan to stop.. will u give me more time? : TO MY KNEE =)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

finally managed to solve the last layer of the rubik's cube.


and i think though i mugged on friday n saturday.. i am pretty slack today..

i want to get a life...


Friday, March 28, 2008


i dun wanna get into band 3..

this was wad i heard today.. after mid years, students will be banded according to their capabilities...

and with my shitty results... i dunwan BAND 3...

haix.. will mug hard now on..

and i skipped counseling..

MJC VS SRJC : 3-1 (1-1) --> courtesy of Gerald who reminded me XD Thks =)
tt makes it 2 wins in a row..

Thursday, March 27, 2008

just finished watching the 9pm chn 8 drama (Just In Singapore)..

super crap and skeptical.. just seeing them vying for a vat.. so disgusting..
its probably true that the few million dollars is enticing.. but to see them vie for the vat in the dark.. just makes all of them look like clowns.. lol..
haha.. also suggests that the value of things go skyrocketing when demand increases.. wow.. =p
i'm so bored cuz i dun feel like doing any work right now.. but everyone is working away...

sigh.. maybe i shud join them to vy for the vat.. yay.. $$ XD haha.. money-faced..

wonder how S210 ppl celebrated the bday of term 1 babies.. without plates and forks.. really will die when i nvr go sch...

seeing other ppl's blogs.. i also come to realise that its March/ April already.. year 2 already..

what has 07S210 done together so far?...
we have come so far.. but here are some facts that i think my frens will laugh at my incapability ..
  1. more than 1 person in the class has never turn up for any class-organised outing (yes.. just a outing with no purpose)
  2. 1 or more people are against the idea of celebrating ppl's bday by buying bday cakes and presents reason being : $$..
  3. more than 1 person has left S210 due to any other reason. the earliest was before June last yr.
  4. No One has asked about studying together out at all.. Yes, hard to believe it rite, NONE AT ALL
  5. There has been NO class outing at ALL since this year.
  6. When after a MBT paper, u walk out of the gate to see some of S210 already across the bridge at the bus stop already.
  7. some of them who are at the same bus stop do not even bother to talk to you.
  8. when going home via MRT, one cannot afford to wait for another person who is buying a drink and decides, "hey, i'll take the train first".
  9. U see running out of the classroom after lessons during recess just to grab a bite or get to the library or.. in short, to MUG
  10. U walk past them in sch and they see nothing, say nothing and walk past. u look like a total retard saying hi.
  11. when ppl complains of paying lotsa class fund when they continue to get their hands on the latest notes asap.
  12. when everybody appears to be wearing a mask. Secretive about how they study.
  13. "ai yah... nvr study la" and u get 2X my result.
  14. CCA CCA CCA.. some people just dun hav a class..
  15. Bullies, when they only dare to swear at ones that keep mum.
  16. seriously MUG when a grp work ends up becoming an individual work. doesnt even bothers to find a grp.
  17. NO time NO time for anything that the CG chair says.. but i see otherwise..
  18. NO Chalet NO CHAl3T... cuz $$.. saving up for the whole yr for $10 is mission impossible.. hahaa chicken laughing stock. XD
  19. u dun see ppl smsing each other at random... the smses u receive always starts with : "Relay: pls..."
  20. A D-grade is a blessing in disguise for me.. but its a earth-shaking disaster for some others.
sry, i jus have a lot pressured in myself, with nobody to talk to,.. cuz everyone's "BUSY"... haha XD
here i am blogging properly.. the previous one was crap.. cuz i was so tired.. *splat* zzzzZZZZ...

today i didn go to sch.. wasnt feeling well.. probably suffering from P.E and training..
haiz... now my 2.4km timing has dropped to 12 min ++ probably a first time since primary sch... lol..
and ya.. wasnt feeling myself after tt... shagged..

aiyah.. then after training, as usual, went off to downtown to eat with gerald, cheuk wing, and louis.. the downtown chicken rice is moving this coming monday..

then chatted with gerald abt studies...

yup.. and today *pon* sch.. i didnt mean to... then woke up.. did tutorials.. packed files.. and yup.. rotted..

oh ya.. after dinner yesterday @ downtown, met 2 ppl.. PEI, haha and
a HnF senior..

the HnF senior was goin fishing.. so asked me if i was still in HnF.. yup.. and he is appling for NUS.. wow... pro.. and yup.. glad to receive some pointers from him on studying..

right now.. i'm goin off to mug again...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i'm not demoralised..

i'm always failing everything, everyone.. even myself..

but i wont give up at all..

i still need some time..

i will do well for my mid years

it hurts to see u so.. =D

Sunday, March 23, 2008

i'm right now still blogging.. so i'm not dead yet =p

juz watched Man utd VS LFC 3-0 oh wells.. good job anywae.. sure tio suaned anywae..

then was CFC (Chelsea.. not the chemical product) VS AFC 2-1

ok.. so off to try sleeping.. XD

Saturday, March 22, 2008

my unlucky times nvr end...

this morning, went out to take bus 31.. but i saw a bus and took it.. then wondered.. how come it goes another direction.. got a big shock.. alighted then realised that it was..

BUS 51 not 31!!! arh...

tmr is my study time... i'm givin up on geog assignment.. yupp.. maths.. here i go =D

Friday, March 21, 2008

today marks the death of my PSP

PSP Factfile..
Bought u on : some time during the holidays last yr..
time spent: almost all the time XDXD..
Died on : Last Friday
Cause of Death: ME.

haiz... spend the $100/- for the screen for nth... wth..
will have to save up and hopefully i can buy one soon...

and meanwhile.. i juz happen to be the joke again.. ice-cream cones ones at home.
i took one.. teared the wrapping.. took out the ice cream whole thingy.. then all these done facing the chutter wide open..



seriously.. not my day arh...

i'm defeated... i'm feeling so foul... XD

Thursday, March 20, 2008

weak u are so weak...

even as there wasnt any sch today.. woke up real late... then went to play soccer with nicky and company... @ tanan merah..

ok... fine...i still wasn't feeling very well.. sleepy even in midst of a game.. wth..
then had a nasty diarrheoa..
and i'm not having very nice appetite these days.. oh dear.. =(

wah biang.. and i jus spent $100/- on the LCD screen for my psp.. and i think i accidentally broke something on the mother board.. now the games all look very "light" and dim.. wad the ... so screwed.. think i'll probably leave it as it is... after the hols.. will probably see if want to repair or get something else.. dunno also..

and i'm so looking forward to studying at T3.. who wans? =D

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


was just chatting away when i was so bored i decided to come up with the idea.. lol.. but its purely for fun's sake.. so no offence here =D.. ya.. look's like she's also part of the SONY's LOCO ROCO game characters.. cuz the heads are round.. hehe XD..

ya.. tt's happens when u have a lot of free time at ur disposal.. so my frens, look out.. ur picture could be next muahahhaha ..

just kidding.. =D
i'm weak..

block test is finally over.. actually.. its quite short come to think of it again.. oh nvm..
maths was a gooner.. nvr gonna pass it anywae.. sry mr tee.. sry maths notes.. =D

think chem was much better.. at least i think i'm progressing to the extent that i'm able to understand more of the concepts at chemistry than i used to..

still i can solve the mole question on complete combustion CxHy + (x + y/4) O2 = x CO2 + y/2 H2O.. alamak.. somebody enlighten me..

and my fever is almost fading away... but the throat is bugging me non-stop.. herbal tea, jelly wadeva the pills.. syrup.. doesn't work.. so i dun really am talking a lot if ppl do notice.. cuz it really hurts..

arh.. nvr had a lasting throat prob b4.. really hoped it will end soon.. and
tmr is free.. but i've got nth on.. and i dunno wad shud i actually do... movie? just plain going out? or MUGGING? hahah just jokin.. i would bang myself right in the wall right at this instant.. lol..

kk.. and ya.. as usual.. the crappy me is probably gonna play soccer real soon.. *coughs* really irritaing throat.. argh... oh wells.. y always i organise street soccer? alamak.. =D nvm.. i'm afterall LOGISTICS *smirk* heheh jkjk...

reflections of the year so far..

really learnt a lot more this year.. especially through the process of orientation.. in the midst of having fun.. i had to learn to interact with ppl nicely.. to sort out problems.. and ya.. reality is not utopia..

and of course more frens made from there also.. hopefully the PAE 08S301 will organise some outing soon..

and i've undergone counseling.. and i had to learn how to sleep efficiently, ya.. cuz i always have problem sleeping.. not actually stress but that a lot of things going thru in my head.. so the head just doesn switch off.

hmm.. ya.. anger.. i have even better control of it.. havent really been mad, meaning literally showing it.. cuz i guess i'm more mature already.. 17 yrs old le.. some more leading a bunch of ppl who are all my ge ge and jie jie.. mus mature faster.. XD

sometimes, i still wonder *coughs* if i did the right decision... stood up to ask for it.. "i wan to be the chairperson simply because of my testimonial.. cuz my cca sux.. but if given the chance, i will serve with everything i got.."

guess there's no looking back.. after the camp, trainings, frens made.. and.. ya.. everything nice..

well.. and i'm hopefully trying to find my purpose hahah.. objectives in life.. i'm still lost..

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


finally, tmr marks the end of MBT... dunno if its good or bad.. anyway.. so wanting to go out for a movie.. anyone? wadeva..

here's a short update on my life..

on the eve of MBT (sunday), asked Dong out to study (k, fine.. he asked me =D) @ leisure Park as usual.. wasn't feeling well already but still put up a brave front.. XD. there was some cheerleading competition going on and well.. ya.. gals. gals gals. so the good ol' fren of mine wouldn't stop looking at them.. "its very distracting" (hahah.. =D) well.. he ate at KFC b4 we planted our butts at the foodcourt..

already feeling not right cuz i felt extremely cold already when i entered the mall.. i tried to do work. then got juz really so cold i put on my jacket.. then.. did work.. after 2 qns.. " i sleep until 2pm then u call me" he answered "huh!! 2 Hrs arh!! " kk.. fine.. i went to nap.. then woke again at 1.30.. then nap again.. then my stomach wasnt feeling right.. so went to toilet to try vomit but i see the toilet also dun feel like le.. so went back.

tried concentrating... hmmm......


hmmm...... i couldn't take it by abt 3.45pm.. so i asked if i wanted to leave go home to rest. so took a cab..

ya.. ended up wasting that day,, and screwed up the revision.. haha..

turned out that the night was harsh cuz i had a really high fever.. legs were scorching already.. took an ice pack.. tossed n turned thru the night.. thkfully phys was a late paper...

i ought to thank ppl for reminding me not to take drowsy pills in the morning..
(cuz i seriously almost did that when i saw the pills on the table.. lol)
and i guess tt's the only person who asked abt my condition after what i wrote on my nick.. haha.. as sayings goes " a fren in need is a fren indeed" xD okok.. fine.. the rest probably are busy mugging..

anyway.. today was the second day of MBT.. GEOG.. didnt study last night cuz the fever juz happens to recurr during the night.. then have to study in the morning.. so probably flunked the paper since i chose to ignore WEATHERING which came out a huge CHUNK.. haha..

tmr's chem n maths.. maths is a gooner.. but i'm banking on chem.. though i haven passed chem before.. hahaha.. my target for this MBT would be a grade that is better than C.. (my highest grade ever.. haha.. =D)

so ya.. good luck to all.. and off to my pills and zzzzZZZz

wad will u be given when u r sick? MC- Medical Cert
wad will u be given when u r dead? DC- Direct Current Death Certificate.. hope that was cold...

when tyco needs skills, skills need tyco... so in conclusion u r skilled.. who needs skills? JUST be TYCO!! woots (chimalogy) ^_^

Friday, March 14, 2008

i just have a wretched life.. dun understand.. here how it goes.

  1. i splattered the LCD screen on my PSP.. yes.. literally splattered when it wasnt in my hands nor was i looking at it.. actually, i had the earphone on my ear and the PSP. as i bent down to pick up my bag.. the psp dropped from the table and PIANG!!... omg..
well.. it does come at a right time, since block test is on the way.. so wadeva.. but have to spend $$ on the LCD screen.

2. as mentioned, the block test is coming already.. and recently, my GC - Graphic Caculator jus broke down on me.. jus as a tutor told me to get prepared in case it really spoilts since it had showed some symptons already - like anything times 10 gives u 0 since the "1" button cannot press. argh..

3. jus as i m typin all these, i realised my keyboard "left" n "right" arrows are not working... omg...

see, this is not a fantasy, its real and its nightmare =x sianed.. gonna have to spend $$ again... arh..

oh wells.. =D
this guy got so... beaten up by.. my phone hehehe.. =D

Save ur buddies!! treat them to a buddy meal hehee =D

this was quite a while ago.. in sch.. check out the shirt L is wearing.. XD

took this video of the hamster at a pet shop a while ago..
found it to be actually kinda cute =D
enjoy my moment of crazy XD

this is the rotating flower at T3.. quite interesting
but quite idiotic to jus look at it alone.. haha


Thursday, March 13, 2008

lol.. here to blabber off abt my progress so far.. PATHETIC XD

went for phy consultation yesterday.. think may pass phy for the first time.. dun want to disappoint anyone, even myself..

yup.. and i wasn't feeling myself today so i gave chem consultation a miss.. so sry. =D
and my progress today was so shitty.. slacked slacked slackeed... yucks.. remind me to study!!!! arghh haha

ok, wadeva.. i dun wish to talk ~emo~ again.. so heck care.. same goes for the ones u know urselves..

and i finished naruto manga series today omg.. at the expense of my block test.. scold me so.. i am so guilty.. wah sian.. now i'm gonna read and understand the geog tutorials.. i'm trying hard to at least grab a sub-pass..

hopefully u all will do just great in the block test.. =D everyone will.. me? haha.. sure or not? ! heheh..

waiting for the impt exams to be over =D
so looking forward =D

(this is so meaningful XD)
You are not my friend anymore, You are my best friend already

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

omg.. i can't stop myself.. but i promised not to blog recently..

well.. here's a second part of my blur cases..
decided to study during last sunday @ leisure park (near my home). my fren last min ps.. (u noe whu u r.. hehe..) then i had to make my way there myself..

when i reached there.. sat down and had my lunch.. GOSH!!!.. the foodcourt was jus so packed.. sian.. then also got a family ask if they could have the seats beside me.. so.. the good ol' me.. decided to leave.. then on my way home... it jus had to rain... and then while running to the shelter... i slipped again... wth..

then on one particular evening.. i was online.. then i went to do the dishes after dinner.. the floor wasn't very wet.. but i also slipped in the kitchen.. then i put it on the msn nick "omg... i slipped and fell in the kitchen" haiz.. wth..

and to my buddies: pls juz stop that bloody inferring will u?.. if there were really something going on... would i have so much time for u all? so pls.. in order not to get me so freaking irritated (fine, i didn't show it then at T3..) i really cherish the friendship between us all all these years.. all those camps, trainings.. were not for nothing.. and while u both juz blabber away.. and irrationally post some pictures, comments on the blog.. have u spared a thought for me?..

u two are one of the best buddies i have ever had.. and i want it that way, for eternity.. so.. what can i do?...
pls understand the fact that i did not blow up then.. becuz i understood that it was purely an act of mischief.. but.. apparently.. things are going a bit too far for my liking.. i had reiterated that there was simply nothing at all. and u both refused to believe it..

should u both be reading this, u would probably suggest " oo.. so there muz be something on.. tt's y he like tt.." but from another perspective, i hope that u would understand that all those were just simply unbased fabrications (hehe.. GP sia.. =D) so.. ya.. thks in advance for the understanding..

i look like a total retard, total failure, idiot when i'm outside.. but does anyone see the stress within me.. the problems already within me..


phew.. i really nid to chill..

talk to me.. ~_~"'

Friday, March 7, 2008

havent had much luck this week.. here's a run down of things that could really suggest that i'm super blur n clumsy.

Wed: after sch, there was CCA.. met up with matthew for lunch @ canteen. bought chicken teriyaki with rice. the vendor gave me the plastic container with the lid and gave me a container of the chicken teriyaki also, cause they were abt to pack up..

when i went back to sit down, gerald n cw came along.. talk talk talk.. then i opened the lid of the chicken teriyaki.. scooped the sauce.. and wanted to pour it into the rice.. but... guess what.. i forget to open the lid for the rice one... and i didnt juz pour once, but an amazing TWICE!! so... they began to laugh laugh n laugh.. n i too... also laughed at my extent of an idiot...

2nd case: after training.. we always play with the ball for a while... tt day was no different.. except it was raining heavily then.. i played crossing with matthew n nicky on the track.. then as i took a cross.. i slipped across the track.. lol.. can anyone imagine the awkward-ness then.. hahaha.. again.. i was the joke.. haha.. oh well..

that is not all...but i can't rmb.. haix... but that only is more than enough to say so.. i= idiot XD..

even till now.. i cannot explain myself for those actions.. wah ha...
study for blog block test le.. no blogging @ the moment.. XD

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

there was this german peeps who were playing against the MJ boys. score was 2-1 (0-0) to MJC.
in fact, MJC were trailing 1-0 until late in the second half before kechil (think is like tt spell) n khairil (dunno lei) scored to make it a wonderful comeback.

basically, it was evident that the germans were short of match fitness from the start. and the game was not really interesting initially.. with eyes all on the germans' bench. some intimate moves by one of the players and his gf. wow.. eye-opener for many and ya.. it kinda drew the attention of many away from the game.

look at this.. this is not juz the school crest, but the school crest made up of bottle caps (Believe it OR NoT!)

makes my day better =D

Monday, March 3, 2008

wah... failing tests again.. maths test n chem are foregone conclusions.. with geog piling on as well.

argh... i dunno wad to do.. and there's still counselling going on..arhh...

its very short.. i know it..
darn it.. i dun noe wad to say. =D
and i'm a monster arh.. hahaha xD

can't spell it out

Saturday, March 1, 2008

i would give it a 3/5 ratings
watched this just now at plaza sing. i was always curious to find out how L would spend the rest of the days before he died.( this is only understandable to those who followed the death notes series).

however.. the show wasnt really very interesting but the fact that there is little n little time left for L creates the kind of atmosphere that keeps the movie thrilling. Except for the fact that there was very little twists...

well... i'm so bad.. that i feel guilty for not studying today.. will do so tmr.. dunwan to disappoint tutors and myself..

arghh... time for lalaland.. zzzZZZ

=D smile on no matter what happens