Thursday, April 2, 2009

well, its been a while since i last blogged.. quite a couple of things happened to me of course,...

firstly, it was the ntu bike rally... 128km again this year... probably so retarded that i actually missed out on a checkpoint meaning i cycled two checkpoints without checking in to rest.. and i actually followed a group of cyclists until i realised they were going to eat lunch, meaning i followed the wrong group of guys.. argh..

secondly, my first time prawning... meaning to say, going out and fish for prawns... but sadly, i actually swung my first catch onto melvin's gf's face.. so sry... and ya, turned out tt was the only legitimate catch of the night, as we actually practically scooped all our remaining catches... but it was fun.

thirdly, proud to announce i won the challenge @ work in RBS... won myself 2 GV tickets, but exchanged one with my colleague for one of her coffeebean card which has only $5 in each.. arh.. feel cheated.. i won the challenge of the loans referrals for 2 weeks with 62 loans referrals while 2nd placed had only 32 loans referrals.. totally sizzled this competition!!..

right now, i'm juz continuing my work @ RBS... where i continue to tackle my endurance against hard to handle customers and also awaiting enlistment, whereby mine enlistment dat is 2weeks later than most... sigh...

boring 2weeks i guesss.....

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