Wednesday, March 11, 2009

time n time again,
i've put my heart n mind into this group of people,

yet time n time again,
these ppl have made me look so much like a big silly fool.

we should never have crossed paths.
because even if we have,
we still are so alien to each other.

we are like festivals.
because we only gather during then.

we smile n laugh with each other,
but deep down, swords are flying all over.

i'm sick of all of you ppl.
stop faking it already.
none of you are true. perhaps true only in using each other as stepping stones.

worse of all happens, when i see other groups work so well within themselves, sometimes even out of themselves too.

i'm not relating it to my dismal results i've gotten. its just been in my chest for so long, i wanted to get it off. i dun blame u all, just blame my luck into running to all of u.

read and swear all u wan.. becuz its all too common sight already. i've nth worthwhile in my whole life with u ppl. i've never heard anything pleasant at all...

maybe u might have gotten into places u've dreamed since ur life... might, i just feel u are so screwed in life... becuz u all are SO DAM SELFISH!!

never in my life did i paid $50 for a dinner at fish n co...
wad ridicule was when i heard my change was split among the rest.
this is not just the only incident, so i shant be accused of being overboard with this single incident.
Even so, why shouldnt i? its my parents' HARD EARNED $$
u all have parents, then i dun hav isit? y am i always on the losing side, not being appreciated..

at this moment, i just wished to end so all these everything...
end it alone..
end it...

darn it.. u all..

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