Sunday, April 19, 2009

its real... 5 more days left...
Priority No. 1 ---> cut botak this coming thursday.. and get myself a cap
Priority No. 2 ---> Pack my room nicely
Priority No. 3 ---> ...? dunno yet..

weekends were just another weekend.
on sat, went out to parkway with yin zhi to pool and get my googles for army.
cab there only to kena scammed by the uncle who actually took me from kallang to bedok then to parkway... using the new KPE expressway.. darn.. the bill totalled up to $10/-... no kidding.
called in to SMART cab to complain... and they'll refund me $3/-?! lols.. gonna go collect from them next week.

seriously, who else gets scammed from taxis? me?
sigh.. so retarded


right now, i reading this book.. bought it from borders... and
also another book on how to prosper in hard times... to self improve since i goin NS le...

and today, went to tampines to find my cousin, uncle, aunt.. who explored the new tampines mall.. tampines 1 i think...

soooo crowded that puts down the idea of wanting to go there.. but its quite a nice design inside.
theres this new store- Uniqlo? Uniglo? dunno spelling.. but super long queue...
ended up at Topman again.. bought jeans then run le...
had dinner at E-hub Mr Chicken Rice... so satisfying..

tmr work again... training the newcomer..

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