Thursday, April 16, 2009

next wed... last day at work...
gonna miss the callings... and the cutting of leads..

here's a thanks to all...

johnny, joyce, damian, shawn, von, thrishna(?), pingyen, bharathi, qian hui, andrea, lewei, waipeng, melissa, fion, joscelin, jacksen, kelvin, alex, iris, and the whole row of retention team... and also andrew, wilfred, ben, and many others who've helped along the way.

really enjoyed my 2 mths stay there... worked like a team.
enjoyed the food there, shuttle bus, drinks, pantry.

really cant say a lot... otherwise... emo le...

i must say, its really a eye-opener for me even though its only a short 2mths...
really found ppl who i can actually talk to...
and also found ppl who are actually more than it seems...
and also found ppl who are sooo not nice..

all in all..
RECARDING ROCKS...(i'm typing this already, even before i'm guaranteed a testimonial letter haha)

actually, truthfully speaking, i thought i would juz quickly finish this 2 mths and get the testimonial letter...

but as time grew, i guess i couldnt help it la... being the mini-team leader they called me.. initiating to help whenever i can.

really thanked damian for the football chats occasionally to keep me in sync with life, cuz the whole workplace almost nobody talks bout tt... and his encouragement to me in life.

andrew, owe u one big one... really can chat with u also... insurance agent in future... no prob, keep tt in check. =P

wilfred... i noe who is ur gf le.. haha... i think so.. u've been such a great help all these while.

jacksen&alex... thks for these times of help checking customer's data... i know i very irritating everytime nvr push to customer service... haahaha..

johnny... thks a lot... think i've been rather annoying every morning callin ur extension asking u alot of minor things in separate calls... u've been such a tactful person... big thks..

i've really glad to gain the experience of my life.. of course, alongside with some ppl tt we aquaint ourselves with from diff walks of life...

my only regret is that i didnt do better. if only i could.
nah.. rubbish.

meanwhile, i hope to train the newcomers so that they become well prepared for the new customers. i hope to pass on what i've learnt so far to help them. even if they're my classmates.

booking in next friday, to think its finally my turn to say this to myself... haha..=P

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