Sunday, April 5, 2009

this whole of week has been really a whole lot of twists n turns...

went out yesterday to watch the jackie chan film: shinjuku incident... super gory...
Daniel wu's hand was chopped off argh... siao...

juz now my dad actually forgot tt i didnt do well for my A's
then he kept pestering me... y i nvr go apply for scholarship (wad de....)

so i was so pissed... then he see my face, say i rude to him... ... wah lau...

sigh.. so went out to run in the rain... now feeling better alr..
street racing on facebook is so addictive, and mafia wars too..

just a while and more than a month has passed...
i noe.. not all the recarding team in rbs will see this...

BUT here's a
to all of you...
really enjoyed my time with everyone, be it whether we slacked our time in the pantry or we slogged ourselves with the never ending excel documents.
sometimes, its juz so ironic... these bunch of ppl.. only known them for a a month plus... and it feels like we've known the whole team for quite a while.. havent had tt feeling for quite a while, ever since chung cheng times, in the npcc...

probably, tt's due to everyone there being true to themselves n others.

i enjoyed part time.. but
the bad thing about part time is also
it only takes up part of our life...
and makes u miss the work a lot...
and everyone else too..

argh... really, these bunch of people are really wonderful... no pretending about..
fine... stop talking bout it.. in case i really cannot take it..

tmr's probably last time i'm seeing one of my colleagues Ping yen... dunman high A'div capt... very humble guy, funny guy too and a very nice person to talk to also... juz tt he still dun have facebook arh...

really a pity couldnt recruit him into the team... argh.

i'm the mini team leader :)

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