Saturday, April 11, 2009

sigh... today is such a harsh day...
morning go work... turn out tt no one else was there...

seriously, this guy tt i've known for 2 yrs actually has so much more tt i doesnt know.. omg..
lucky i found out during this stint @RBS...

was feeling shitty today after i went to the tuition for my student who claims he wants to study by himself, so wants to stop the tuition but when i ask him for how he goin to study, he got no answer...
was super disappointed and felt like crying...
i felt scammed... he actually wanted me to teach him another subject also... then tell me this kinda thing.. to think tt i actually went to prepare things for the other subject...

everyone's like goin in ns or poly or sch...
almost no one left to talk to...

and JOSH... u r a jerk!! i dun care if u see this or my classmate sees this, but i had enuff of u alr la

thanks for the listening ear, really appreciate that..

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