Saturday, January 5, 2008

orientation 1 was finally over.

day 1: Ice breakers, and TMP (The Meridian Prophecy)
started off the day with cheers and ice breakers of course. my grp was Callisto 2 (*clap *clap), along with the ogls peiyi, jasmine, melanie, azzy, jona, jacinda and zhi yong. haha.. the grp was quite reserved at first, esp guys..

day 2: MMM
the day when we went out of sch for games. it was also then that we saw some improvement. it was clearly seen that the gals were starting to gel while the guys were very mum.. jonathan tried to get them to talk and haha.. didn work..
MMM also saw some mind-battles with other houses and it was really ugly to see these. i hate these part of orientation.

day 3: last day. WnW plus campfire.
the day everyone's waiting for (wad eva the reason maybe). wet n wild for callisto 2, i personally found it memorable as the team spirit was growing. initiative was there too. i saw ogms trying to lead and spur on.
and the team that battle royaled with us - Miranda 2 was very sporting (3 cheers n 3 cheers for them ooo). we lost to them but callisto 2 were never beaten mentally. they knew that they had to congratulate them. and they did it. well. for that i applaud both grps. never fail to do a 3 cheer for each other. Good job.

campfire was approaching. haha.. stage.. lolx. the random downpour really tortured the guys. bathed. all dry
clean. RAIN. everything gone.. haha.. understand ?.. nvm.
camp with no fire, took place in the hall. i could see our freshies enjoying. this was also when ogls, i think enjoyed too. i certainly shared in the funs.

and last of all, it was time to bid goodbye. well. ya. i hope for the best for these freshies and hope to see them around.

photos ... i'm waiting =) haha..

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