Thursday, December 27, 2007

wow... very long le.. havent been blogging

a brief run down of everything so far.

- went to tangs @ orchard for cip a.k.a. X'mas gift wrapping...
lol.. those 3 days were rather meaningful as i learnt the art of gift wrapping and also the imptance of being prepared.. lol
i tried slacking but was caught when i was asked to do a wrapping.. grr.. and i messed it up.. haha

- my birthday.
this yr was no diff. well, a bit diff. celebrated it with yin zhi, arnold, yang yu, alex, zhang chuan(pang seh) on 15th @leisure park. arcade, food, and lol.. we juz rotted our time finding spoons for ice-cream haha..
then later on, i think its a week ++ after when jun hong, randy, jona, kentat asked me out for kbox (lol, i'm a noob.. my 1st time there) on the pretext of x'mas outing. lol. was really surprised when they passed me the liverpool cap and belt. (will upload pics soon.) really appreciated tt as it was really, my only present this yr. and i had to buy myself a present - PSP. yes, its PlayStation Portable. i bought it.

- now, i'm packing my things to prepare for the new yr.. and homework is still un complete yet
while i'm blogging, heres something i wish to tell some of my frens.

yo, thks a lot for everything these yrs. it would be very tough for me if it were without all of u. right now, i'm really suffering alone. and i dun wish to show it to all of u and drag u all down.. however, i blurted it out..
for my frens, i am willing to do anything, so believe that i'm not anything but (shud noe)
=) it coming to a total of 5 yrs now, and all of u have taught me a lot. i had fun with all of u and i know my lame and crap too gave some laughter at times.
thks for listening to my troubles i had in sch, in class.
thks for the bday card. no doubt it was really good intention of all of u to invite me to kbox. but being the no confident me, coupled with some ppl telling me that i have a monotone and tt my voice suxs.. i really couldn't bring myself to sing. in fact, i was avoiding it all the time. i juz hope to make u all understand tt i appreciate all of ur kind intentions and tt i really long to have frens, frens that would celebrtate ur bday with ya. and u guys were one of those.
for a run of six, seven yrs, no one in my family, be it my closest family members, or my relatives,no one has ever celebrated my bday with me. tt is y, i hate bdays, i hate cakes, and i hate ppl celebrating, becuz i envy them.

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