Sunday, January 13, 2008

i'm finally back home.

here's a run-down of what's happened for my weekend.

it was a boring sch day not until when it was time for the OG outing with Callisto 2.
me, peiyi, azy, kevan, melanie, zhiyong and janice were the ones that turned up. chang led his class to organise this so i would really like to say a big THANK YOU for all tt they have did.
we had sakae sushi @ downtown. guys =buffet. gals =ala carte.
终极密码: it's horrible.. guys decided to play tt game there.. (muz be so boring in order to play this game..) the callisto 2 guys always chose truth and the question is always "who do u think is the cutest(rephrase also) among ur class or including OGLs?" hhaha.. and some secrets were unravelled. then i also got the number.. so i chose dare.. and omg kevan.. he n chang were just practically Pouring, yes, pour the wasabi into the soy sauce.. dipped into sushi.. i had to finish it.. omg.. it was my 1st and last time trying wasabi. after tt, some ogms left, and all the ogls also left, leaving me n kevan with zhi yong joining us.. so sad.. (well.. callisto 1 only had Hector phew xD)

then was cycling. pool. i had to leave for collecting my specs. new ones. one blue n one grey. next was the chalet that duck asked us for. it was a chalet for little ducks, jun heng's and jun yin's bday.

Saturday n Sunday

so thru these two days, i've celebrated 2 ppl's bday, done some tutorials and most imptly have fun with some of my never-can-replace frens. xD thks ppl. it may be tiring but when i look back, its worthwhile.
the tasmanian devil is soooo cute.. i'll get the pic from duck..

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