Saturday, January 19, 2008



leisure park koufu deco

apologies to those who mentioned tt the previous post had unseeable font.. sry.. changed tt.

here's a review of the rest of the wk so far. friday ended in a whiz.. not before CIP - tution for kids. me, xin wei, josh, ching ying, wei chong n meiqi went for this cip. wei lin didn't go..

it was ultra crap as there was this annoying incident on bus 53. shant mention it.. but some ppl shud know it.. thk the lady on the bus.

alert.. the "monster" is back after a yr of hibernation.. be careful of who u r with.. haha..

and today i went to clear my shopping list with jun hong.@ leisure park, queensway, raffles place.

this is wad i managed to get today:
  1. crumpler bag @ $183
  2. liverpool adidas shoe bag @ $25
  3. nike sneakers @ $96
  4. jeans @ $30
the minus point is tt i lost my black nike bottle on the bus.. I JUS BOUGHT IT THIS WK!!

anyway, thks duck for accompanying me to shop..
and for anyone who reads this post pls vote for the two shoes above. pls tag ur option (a) or (b) in my tag box to see which shoe is nicer. no nid to worry which shoe u choose.. rmb, this is not a fraud. thk u.

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