Monday, January 7, 2008

"huh?" "what?" "erm..?" "i dunno?"

lol.. here are the few & common phrases i've been using today.

i've been forgetting the concepts learnt and things taught last yr.. lol..

sigh.. and suffering of course.

i feeling cold recently, not just the normal cold...
i run down the track, on the hot day... my palms are icy, my breath is also icy.
i'm losing more n more of the balance i used to have.

i'm losing time...
i'm lost.

lol... i feel so weird. so wrong, so funny.
its starting to end or not? beats me.
understands or not? beats me.
argh... i'm probably loser no. 1 in loserville. haha.. wondering what i mean?
its emo time for me again, i guess i could say so.. lol.. emo over?? i also duno.. sigh..
i need directions..

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