Saturday, October 13, 2007

what does these all tell? my photo-taking skills suxs.. yesterday me and my PW group went to NLB at 3pm only to find security out there saying: "today not open to public" *jaws open*

decisions finalised to go to the airport (something very wrong with this sentence).
reached the airport at 4 plus pm. entered staff canteen at T2.
LOL.. my group only me and zhang chuan knew about the existence of staff canteen.. hmm.. so they always go those $$ places arh...

then we started doing our WR.
halfway there, i was slacking around with the "sudoku" game on my phone until i rmbed abt my promos and my mood just changed. i ignored everyone there.. i just felt so helpless then..

well, tuesday will be the submission. so i hope to give it my all for them, even if i get kicked out... Go on.. we'll make it!!! =)

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