Friday, October 5, 2007

today was the start of Open House 07. i reached sch at 7am. Reporting time for everyone else was 8.30pm. SAI KANG started.
these were what the LOGISTICS IC = ME did.. in short
  • Opened the canvas, taped stage, manpower management
  • hall, canteen, atrium touch up
  • equipment providing
  • Working as Cleaners to remove trash bags in canteen, sch.. (p.s. the cleaners were just watching the dance performances while i clenaed up.
  • Working at coupons sales counter

mogu said that i am very good-hearted that's y i do so many things.. haha.. i guess ba.. she also do a lot of things... btw, she played the dunno wad chinese instrument.. the tune quite nice..

sigh.. just so sorry to ivan desmond, and edwin. i was just soooo stressed.. i am not known to be able to work well in crowds or like to be in crowded places. naturally, i am not able to work well in such enviroments. and with the Logistics, CG booth and other situations all surfacing at one go. i really needed everyone's co-operation.

this is to ivan and desmond. sorry for my attitude towards the two of u just now. it is no doubt my fault that i flared up at u two and even shouted at u, including tt " F" word. but, what i want u to understand is that at that moment, i had a lot of things in my mind that had to be settled at once. i really needed u to go out and buy the lollipop. but u seem really reluctant to do so. do i have to really beg u real hard and nicely b4 u start to move. its not that i didn't speak nicely to u initially, but u refused to budge. with all that things on my mind. i really couldn't control myself. afterall, i am no robot. by now, i supposed that u should know that i am pretty amiable, and i seldom flare up unless really overboard. at that moment, i just felt as if u 2 had pushed me to my limits. seriously, all that talk abt fairness and equality is not wrong. but think again, is life always fair? NO. life suxs and it is unfair. u guys join me in the log comm and get abt 13-15 hrs. WAT DO I GET? 40? 30? 50? NO!!! i get 16. so i just hope that u would count urself fortunate to have all these. i ain't complaining. so, ya... this is just my thoughts... Regarding the lollipop incident, when u told me abt the lollipop price, i had estimated abt 50 lollipops that we might need. howe ver, ioverlooked the fact that we had only 7kg of cokkies instead of the original 10kg. hence, though its my fault eventually for mislooking this, i really was very busy with other stuff. and u called me jsut to ask me and when i gave u the answer.. u kept asking me more when i was rushed by my teacher. how u expect me ti handle these things all at the same time? what would u do if u were in my shoes?...

and i realised something abt u two... u guys can be great pals.. but when it comes to some details..,.. i can only see that u guys are just tooooo practical le... money, money.. fair or not, equality... i wouldn't want to dwell more on these. anyway, i just hope that u would understand the situation i was in then.. put urself in my shoes..

MEANWHILE.. ALL i want to say is


to edwin:
bro, u have a great help during this period, helping to buy the log stuff first. and u r really a very nice guy. jsut want to say sorry for venting my anger on u just now after the lollipop incident.

sigh... jsut so shagged.. i dun noe why everytime got big events, no thank you is mentioned to the logistics comm.. it just suxs lor.. they sound like everyone else do a lot.but actually WTH
if no log comm..
there will be no stage
no cca booths
no cg booths
no dance, no canteen arranged for open huse

then i was really disappointed during the cleaning up process. will talk abt that another day.. meanwhile, at duck huse chionging games tonite..

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