Tuesday, October 23, 2007

hurray!!.. my liverpool jacket has finally arrived after much waiting. my aunt came to my house this evening, and showed me a bag... my jacket was inside. haha.. Thanks aunt!!..
she never fails to brighten up ppl's lives with unexpected gifts.. haha..
this jacket is $100.90, and to think i manage to get it F.O.C. (grinning)

and i just received news that i'm in the OGL. this will also rid the possiblility of me being kicked out. just so happy of all a sudden tonight.
tmr will be OP 2nd run's day before.. and i'm stuck with a video to do.. wow.. desperate situations call for desparate measures. i'm gonna stay up tonight to try and finish it, even if i have no more coffee sachets left. (boy, i'm almost kicking the addiction away le...)

ya.. tt's abt it.. before i resume to work again. va va vroom..

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