Saturday, October 6, 2007

couldn't continue with the previous post due to some glitch. but anyway.. i'm just glad to have these frens. thanks everyone.

couldn't get to sleep last night. was thinking about a lot of things. i knew i was tired. tired from all that playing. but my eyes just didn't closed. i couldn't sleep.

i dun know how on earth am i going to help my class get bonded again. i have seen and heard other ppl whose classes are as worst or even worse. they just heck care and allow things to degrade. i am confused. Some ppl tell me to stamp my authority, which i seriously find it hard to do so. i ain't that kind of person. some tell me to heck care also, but that is not my style either. meanwhile, i am really disappointed and not motivated already.

it just feels as if the guys in the class (almost all of them) are against me. everything that i do is being criticsed, be it right or wrong. this whole nightmare is just coming back to haunt me.

the nightmare: sec 1. i used to play basketball a lot. and seriously speaking, until sec 1. i have never played soccer in my entire live b4. in my sec 1 class. there were 11 guys where most of them played scocer. the rest = no sports. i can't possibly play bball alone. so i followed. i was ignorant about this sport intially. they always played in the school field. i was asked to be the keeper. i followed. i realised that it was a s**t job as the shots by the opponents always very forceful. my hand hurt a lot then. but i didn't say anything. naturally, i wasn't doing too well then. always kena criticised. i was always the one in class to be sabotage or tease. this torture carried on till sec 2.

in sec 1: they asked me to play as a striker after my failure in goal. i mananged to score a couple before i was **** again. criticised again.
in sec 2: i played as a defender. reasons due to losing = ME. EVERYTHING ALSO MY FAULT!!!
i played everyday, with them. neglecting my studies totally.
in sec 3: streamed to combined science. left those guys. (they were in double sciences, triple WTH!!)
my new classmates were better, except for some who well... approach me if u want to know.
the sec 2 guys from my class never fail to criticise me everytime they see me play. I score goals =criticise. i defend properly= criticise... i couldn;t take it anymore...

this will probably let ppl realised why i am so pessimistic. i am not confident about myself at all. i always find myself feeling so screwed up.
sometimes, i may get paranoid when ppl say that i am good..

when i see the soccer team around, i always try to avoid them because of all these. there always this feeling that i am being look down by everyone, no one respects me. my existence is merely for the sake of making up the numbers ba. i guess.

my class. i love it. but how do i make it better?


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