Thursday, April 23, 2009

sigh.. last night blogging for quite a while.
leaving this island for a while. 2 weeks.

maybe this blog'll collect about 2 weeks of dust before i finally come back.

good luck. all the best. jia you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

today. last day at rbs.
alex bought me a kueh this morning. thx =)
kelvin talked to me about NS.
Iris wished me all the best.
Andrew gave me a slice of pandan cake.
Von, Damien, Johnny shook hands with me.

and no thks to those who didnt.

thks to gerald, peiyi, joscelin for reminding me i've got NS this week. haha.

tmr cutting hair le...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2nd last day of work @ RBS.

just really another day.. except i've finally been to GHIM MOH MARKET!! for lunch...
really, been there for 2 mths and i'm proud to say this is my first time there...

so juz kept calling customers after i taught the newcomers how to sell loans.

tmr will be my last day. No OT.
Johnny's thinking of ways to make me come back on thursday cuz i told him i'm cutting botak on thursday. argh.
and bharathi thought of a way. to keep my testimonial from me until thursday. hopes everything will turn out fine tmr.

and really, damien n von are juz a pair of plain jokers. really enjoyed these 2 days of OT with them.

and johnny's doughnuts!! THKS LOTS.

Monday, April 20, 2009

see the sewing on the Mr Clumsy( or Mr Bump).
i did it.

needle poke into it.

needles and thread :)

like a mini surgery


today marks the 3rd last day in RBS.
A new era of recarding team will rise... although bharathi will remain to be the long serving servant of Johnny n the recarding team. (call her the new Personal Assistant :) )

3rd last day was quite a disaster.. calling customers to find out that they werent the customers we're expecting.

quite a day wasted. and my contract extension seems to have wasted...
but nah.. 2 more days to my botak head.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

its real... 5 more days left...
Priority No. 1 ---> cut botak this coming thursday.. and get myself a cap
Priority No. 2 ---> Pack my room nicely
Priority No. 3 ---> ...? dunno yet..

weekends were just another weekend.
on sat, went out to parkway with yin zhi to pool and get my googles for army.
cab there only to kena scammed by the uncle who actually took me from kallang to bedok then to parkway... using the new KPE expressway.. darn.. the bill totalled up to $10/-... no kidding.
called in to SMART cab to complain... and they'll refund me $3/-?! lols.. gonna go collect from them next week.

seriously, who else gets scammed from taxis? me?
sigh.. so retarded


right now, i reading this book.. bought it from borders... and
also another book on how to prosper in hard times... to self improve since i goin NS le...

and today, went to tampines to find my cousin, uncle, aunt.. who explored the new tampines mall.. tampines 1 i think...

soooo crowded that puts down the idea of wanting to go there.. but its quite a nice design inside.
theres this new store- Uniqlo? Uniglo? dunno spelling.. but super long queue...
ended up at Topman again.. bought jeans then run le...
had dinner at E-hub Mr Chicken Rice... so satisfying..

tmr work again... training the newcomer..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

next wed... last day at work...
gonna miss the callings... and the cutting of leads..

here's a thanks to all...

johnny, joyce, damian, shawn, von, thrishna(?), pingyen, bharathi, qian hui, andrea, lewei, waipeng, melissa, fion, joscelin, jacksen, kelvin, alex, iris, and the whole row of retention team... and also andrew, wilfred, ben, and many others who've helped along the way.

really enjoyed my 2 mths stay there... worked like a team.
enjoyed the food there, shuttle bus, drinks, pantry.

really cant say a lot... otherwise... emo le...

i must say, its really a eye-opener for me even though its only a short 2mths...
really found ppl who i can actually talk to...
and also found ppl who are actually more than it seems...
and also found ppl who are sooo not nice..

all in all..
RECARDING ROCKS...(i'm typing this already, even before i'm guaranteed a testimonial letter haha)

actually, truthfully speaking, i thought i would juz quickly finish this 2 mths and get the testimonial letter...

but as time grew, i guess i couldnt help it la... being the mini-team leader they called me.. initiating to help whenever i can.

really thanked damian for the football chats occasionally to keep me in sync with life, cuz the whole workplace almost nobody talks bout tt... and his encouragement to me in life.

andrew, owe u one big one... really can chat with u also... insurance agent in future... no prob, keep tt in check. =P

wilfred... i noe who is ur gf le.. haha... i think so.. u've been such a great help all these while.

jacksen&alex... thks for these times of help checking customer's data... i know i very irritating everytime nvr push to customer service... haahaha..

johnny... thks a lot... think i've been rather annoying every morning callin ur extension asking u alot of minor things in separate calls... u've been such a tactful person... big thks..

i've really glad to gain the experience of my life.. of course, alongside with some ppl tt we aquaint ourselves with from diff walks of life...

my only regret is that i didnt do better. if only i could.
nah.. rubbish.

meanwhile, i hope to train the newcomers so that they become well prepared for the new customers. i hope to pass on what i've learnt so far to help them. even if they're my classmates.

booking in next friday, to think its finally my turn to say this to myself... haha..=P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

so boring right now.. weekends..
playing com...

sigh.. everyone's in the army...
nth to do at all...

and really nth to do..

i dun even have anything to want to type..

so lousy.. kena sacked from tuition...
tmr's gonna be another boring day at work...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sigh... today is such a harsh day...
morning go work... turn out tt no one else was there...

seriously, this guy tt i've known for 2 yrs actually has so much more tt i doesnt know.. omg..
lucky i found out during this stint @RBS...

was feeling shitty today after i went to the tuition for my student who claims he wants to study by himself, so wants to stop the tuition but when i ask him for how he goin to study, he got no answer...
was super disappointed and felt like crying...
i felt scammed... he actually wanted me to teach him another subject also... then tell me this kinda thing.. to think tt i actually went to prepare things for the other subject...

everyone's like goin in ns or poly or sch...
almost no one left to talk to...

and JOSH... u r a jerk!! i dun care if u see this or my classmate sees this, but i had enuff of u alr la

thanks for the listening ear, really appreciate that..

Friday, April 10, 2009

yesterday was the last day for most of my colleagues in RBS...
frankly speaking, really enjoyed the times with everyone...

it may only be a month, a week, or a day...
but i feel much comfortable and at ease...

and i didnt buy anything for all of them...argh...

time really flies...

wonder how i'm gonna last those two weeks without these bunch of ppl.. haha..

watched Fast n Furious n KNOWING today ...
KNOWING is better than Fast n Furious...

when the world ends, and u realise u are not going to be saved... but ur family is...
u have to make a decision....
should u keep ur family with u, or let them go...?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

back from a day without work...

went to duck's huse yesterday nite to drink n watch champs league...
but i actually fell asleep after a glass and only 45 mins after the game...

probably too tired from the fatigue le...

went out this morning to see dong n duck botak themselves...
wondering wad would happen to me when its my time... sigh

spent a lot on the pre-NS items...

later goin to duck huse again to watch champs league before going to work tmr...
tt's about it...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

juz back from work...
its been soo tiring this whole week...

sigh... was feeling so down today afternoon...
now i'm gonna explain y i dun like to hear fish n co.

i illustrate this story...(alr say before le.. actually but.. erm...)

u go eat fish n co and order a seafood platter and pay $50..
u wait for the change to be given back.
only to hear from ur classmate that "oops, i split ur change with everyone else".
he doesnt sound apologetic, and i have to sound apologetic.. saying.."erm... then how?"
and he nvr answers...

so wad do those ppl with a heart think?
tt i'm the retarded one ?

or tt this classmate is such a bastard..?

yet, some guy actually is rooting for this classmate... saying things like...
" he didnt mean to..."
"y u keep harping on it..."
"nvm la.. juz $20+ bucks only"

seriously, i feel like putting ur name down...J***...
i noe he's ur buddy la...
but i'm the VICTIM HERE LA!!!
stop saying such stuff like i very petty or very annoying...

i'm in a very bad mood...
u talk until like my fault... now tt i didnt get back my change...$20 only...
my parents print $$ isit? they work hard to give me $$..
then this is how u tell me...
seriously, i want to swear at u...

couldnt really sit with him during lunch time la... so i gobbled up my lunch as usual... then went back early to fold letters... darn it...
he talk abt this like so easy...
then if tt's the case, sry lor, J***
i am very poor... i nid the $$...
juz for god's sake.. stop shooting ur mouth at everything...
everything i say u also say until like my fault...

will be staying at duck's huse tonite so tt tmr can go witness ppl shave heads botak and go get army stuff...

is everything alright?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

this whole of week has been really a whole lot of twists n turns...

went out yesterday to watch the jackie chan film: shinjuku incident... super gory...
Daniel wu's hand was chopped off argh... siao...

juz now my dad actually forgot tt i didnt do well for my A's
then he kept pestering me... y i nvr go apply for scholarship (wad de....)

so i was so pissed... then he see my face, say i rude to him... ... wah lau...

sigh.. so went out to run in the rain... now feeling better alr..
street racing on facebook is so addictive, and mafia wars too..

just a while and more than a month has passed...
i noe.. not all the recarding team in rbs will see this...

BUT here's a
to all of you...
really enjoyed my time with everyone, be it whether we slacked our time in the pantry or we slogged ourselves with the never ending excel documents.
sometimes, its juz so ironic... these bunch of ppl.. only known them for a a month plus... and it feels like we've known the whole team for quite a while.. havent had tt feeling for quite a while, ever since chung cheng times, in the npcc...

probably, tt's due to everyone there being true to themselves n others.

i enjoyed part time.. but
the bad thing about part time is also
it only takes up part of our life...
and makes u miss the work a lot...
and everyone else too..

argh... really, these bunch of people are really wonderful... no pretending about..
fine... stop talking bout it.. in case i really cannot take it..

tmr's probably last time i'm seeing one of my colleagues Ping yen... dunman high A'div capt... very humble guy, funny guy too and a very nice person to talk to also... juz tt he still dun have facebook arh...

really a pity couldnt recruit him into the team... argh.

i'm the mini team leader :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

well, its been a while since i last blogged.. quite a couple of things happened to me of course,...

firstly, it was the ntu bike rally... 128km again this year... probably so retarded that i actually missed out on a checkpoint meaning i cycled two checkpoints without checking in to rest.. and i actually followed a group of cyclists until i realised they were going to eat lunch, meaning i followed the wrong group of guys.. argh..

secondly, my first time prawning... meaning to say, going out and fish for prawns... but sadly, i actually swung my first catch onto melvin's gf's face.. so sry... and ya, turned out tt was the only legitimate catch of the night, as we actually practically scooped all our remaining catches... but it was fun.

thirdly, proud to announce i won the challenge @ work in RBS... won myself 2 GV tickets, but exchanged one with my colleague for one of her coffeebean card which has only $5 in each.. arh.. feel cheated.. i won the challenge of the loans referrals for 2 weeks with 62 loans referrals while 2nd placed had only 32 loans referrals.. totally sizzled this competition!!..

right now, i'm juz continuing my work @ RBS... where i continue to tackle my endurance against hard to handle customers and also awaiting enlistment, whereby mine enlistment dat is 2weeks later than most... sigh...

boring 2weeks i guesss.....