Thursday, February 14, 2008

today's valentine's day.
Angel n Mortal came to an end. i gave Halls to my angel (so mean, so cheapskate rite? i'm sooo sry XD). N i also gave something to my mortal. but i forget to buy other things for other ppl.. so sry.. so bad.. end up today i didnt give anyone anything else. wad a scrooge i am.. lol, forgot to buy roses. sweets and etc.

well.. haha.. isn't it a pity, today's valentine, and i'm here blogging and studying for a physics test tmr (4 chpters in total) and i see my frens enjoying this special day. haha..

and 07S210 has a blur chap who got himself into cast and bandage.. lol..

upcoming craps:

Physics SPA
Chem SPA

juz dun screw up. and good luck to all.
meanwhile, enjoy this special day.


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