Wednesday, February 20, 2008

didn't update yesterday.. yesterday was physics spa..
as usual.. the clumsy n careless me drew the graph with a wrong scale...

today was a short day.. but phy lect was simply boooorring...
then was training. we had a game against the gal team..
simply put.. thrashed. XD kidding...
we led them 4-0 at the half. but i realised that we were not playin correctly.. getting too complacent and playin fancy. it was a lesson well learnt indeed.

i admitted tt i was trying real hard to prove myself then. hence it got into my head. blah. full time sCore 4-1.

well.. went for counseling today and hopefully i will get to solve my tricky problem. 3 wks more.
meanwhile.. i hope for the best for my OG aka CALLISTO 2. their posting results are out and most of them are in MJ.

and i've watched the disc that caryn had gave every OGL. it was real touching.
here's a big thank you and ya.. achieve the best u can get. the sky's the limit.

meanwhile... seems to be a little problem with my knees.. getting very irritating..
argh... and i needda study... i will..

if only i could buy time.
i would buy time for ...

time is lost...
but it is treasured.
i will always rmb.
time. =p

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