Friday, February 29, 2008

just came back from playin soccer with my juniors in cchms.. the rain juz has to interrupt the game.. wateva..

now i'm juz bored.. and think i'm gonna start on my tutorials.. and also organic chem.. test on monday.
kk.. really dun have anything to talk abt either...

freedom will only come along when the war is gone.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


A Week is almost over..

wow... havent tag much this wk... partly due to lazy n homework... argh...
tmr is maths test... and i'm brain dead.. cant think.. all that sour power sweets all in vain.. sigh..

here's what happen so far..
mon - tue : J1s had orientation which tested our patience with the temptations they caused.. causing a situation of self-denial... day dreaming.. wah..

wed: all tt hype over 20k of bottle caps used on a crest which is in the record books of NOT GUNINESS, but SINGAPORE ONLY... i managed to put one bottle cap... hehe.. since i'm a cg chair..

then training was... haha.. lost to new J1s 3-0... they were really quite a bunch... then drew 0-0 with the gals... learnt to look things from an outsider's perspective and tt outsiders are more accurate from what they see n what they react.

today.. was so long .... winded... nth interesting of sorts.. and tmr's maths test... bound to fail... dunno if i shud keep on studying not...? MOTIVATE ME.... haha XD. so tired le... juz hope tt tmr quickly ends so tt i can sleeep...

proud of PAE 08S301s.. esp when u see them leading others by example.. surely a big difference frm that very day.. tt very day of the start of O1.
they are totally awesome... !!!
and yup.. CALLISTO GOT FIRST IN O2.!!! it's probably a long-awaited win for us... and kevan aka huse capt.. really did a lot.. and of course the house comm.. and all blue birdss together as one big bird... wah.. the spirit is so hyped up!!..

haha... i'm so perturbed.. =p

You Are a Dash

Your life is fast paced and varied. You are realistic, down to earth, and very honest.

You're often busy doing something interesting, and what you do changes quickly.

You have many facets to your personality, and you connect them together well.

You have a ton of interests. While some of them are a bit offbeat, they all tie together well.

You friends rely on you to bring novelty and excitement to their lives.

(And while you're the most interesting person they know, they can't help feeling like they don't know you well.)

You excel in: Anything to do with money

You get along best with: the Exclamation Point

Sunday, February 24, 2008

this post may not be very nice.. cuz i'm not feeling nice either from the start of today.

some idiot just cursed my mum n me because of a cube. (WTH? i can't believe he's tt kind of a religion and all that comes out from him is *@#$%)

early in the morning and i get this kind of thing.. really made my day, huh?.. crap.. i may have been late.. but was there the need to curse.?

Gentleman or not, u r simply talking to me. unless its me... pls, keep ur language of urs to urself. u only make urself look more shallow. bastard. u r. cursed my family.
think back when u offended me.. did i do the same thing. no. i held my cool. if i ever had did that.. it would mean that i have stooped as low, as cheap as u are. thank goodness the one u r confronting is me. would u have been fine if it was someone else?..

seriously, 17 yrs and almost 18.. u still cant control anything that comes out of the mouth.. y,? nth there to process ur decisions? i think so.

u only think u are the best.. (at least that's what most ppl, not juz me thinks about u). but u aren't. u are simply SELF-CENTRED. OBNOXIOUS, DISGUSTING and most importantly NO MANNERS.

u may think that u might be quite well-liked.. but do u really think so.. ? if so.. that i call it, or what my fren says - DENIAL OF REALITY.

my first sms of the morning is a f-word to me.... its like?... oh... anyone imagining should understand how i feel.
my frens keep telling me," if u now got no psp, will he even talk to u?".. haha.. yup.. i've been wondering.. i'm not ur classmate, my psp is ur classmate.. (see, until now.. i haven really cursed...)

if u deem urself to be cultured, learned... i think... i'm much better.. at least i respect my frens, i reciprocate to all those that show me respect. but u...u dun deserve. u dun even deserve to hear all this. becuz... u are just so thick-skinned.. the theory of earth's revolution for u is that it REVOLVES AROUND U.
simply.. if i knew i would meet u.. i won ask for u to begone. i would ask the rest to join me elsewhere. becuz.. my heart has no room for bastards, or at least bastards that are not regretful. showing no signs of remorse. they think they are right all the time.

then if this was already bad enuff.. i pop over to the marine parade lib to do work. there was this bastard 2 who was at the multimedia area (jus my luck... 2 bastards in a day).
he was watching anime on the com (fine.. i'm alright with it).
animes supposed to be funny (fine.. i can take it in my stride)

thkful yz was there to halt me. i felt like confronting him and say," brother... shhhhhhhh"
haiz... not really in a good mood..
someone cheer me up.

treats.. solutions.. haha..

Saturday, February 23, 2008

SHip B .... N SHip B again? haha =D

Monster Textbook XD so long nvr see b4

Atomic radius increases because .... atomic radius increases... -_-"'

i'm studying now.. but so bored tt i came here blogging. and along with these crappy pictures.. bet only i will do these.. hahha.. win le lor. XD

bought a rubik's cube with zhang chuan. so i'll probably dump my psp oneside and try to solve this cube (i'll solve u.. one day.. the future looks bleam.. hehe =D). we r so lame.. met up at tampines for the purpose of buying rubik's cube. hahaha..

so right now.. i'm gonna clear my chem.. then math.. and tmr will be phy @marine parade lib. cuz some idiot's (nah.. joking) battery adapter probably went baboom.. and haha.. he can't do e-learning.. bringing my laptop there.. mine isn't any better.. better pray it works or i'll kill him.. cuz i will end up not doing any work.

and its a dilemma. should i go on wed..? i said i would do lot more work this weekend. but doesn't seem so.. this sucks..
and OOps.. i still played soccer today..

thks for those who helped me by turning up today. =D

meanwhile, i see ppl using elmo-emos... lols... probably get a picture of elmo and edit it to look emo then post here... stay tuned.. to mr childish's antics hahah XD

well.. its off to reality.. DO UR WORK, u idiot reading this !! (haha.. juz jokin)

Long Lost -_+

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

didn't update yesterday.. yesterday was physics spa..
as usual.. the clumsy n careless me drew the graph with a wrong scale...

today was a short day.. but phy lect was simply boooorring...
then was training. we had a game against the gal team..
simply put.. thrashed. XD kidding...
we led them 4-0 at the half. but i realised that we were not playin correctly.. getting too complacent and playin fancy. it was a lesson well learnt indeed.

i admitted tt i was trying real hard to prove myself then. hence it got into my head. blah. full time sCore 4-1.

well.. went for counseling today and hopefully i will get to solve my tricky problem. 3 wks more.
meanwhile.. i hope for the best for my OG aka CALLISTO 2. their posting results are out and most of them are in MJ.

and i've watched the disc that caryn had gave every OGL. it was real touching.
here's a big thank you and ya.. achieve the best u can get. the sky's the limit.

meanwhile... seems to be a little problem with my knees.. getting very irritating..
argh... and i needda study... i will..

if only i could buy time.
i would buy time for ...

time is lost...
but it is treasured.
i will always rmb.
time. =p

Monday, February 18, 2008

today was simply quite normal or shuld i just say sian...

tmr's physic spa i know.. came online for it... then now goin off.. so blogging..

ok.. this also marks the 100th post... (*cheers anyone?*)

fine, wadeva.. hopefully.. with the effort i put in this time.. i'll make it.. and also block test


today had pe. did run stop run stop interval training.
my first round around the track was 1.24min i think.
then 2nd : 1.30min
3rd : 1.33min
4th : 1.28min
should have controlled my run.. think i screwed up my knee joint again.. *creaks*

if only oiling the joint would solve everything... well... hopefully.. it'll get better.
dun laugh if u see me walk awkwardly.. if i manage to... k.

well.. promised to blog abt someone..
ya.. think i'll blog... abt it someotherday.. hahah.. *yawn*

goodluck to me and all others.
SPA, Postings, etc. =D
plain lazy of me

Sunday, February 17, 2008

so far so good.. its' already been my 99th post already. remarkable, isn't it.. at least i think so.. heh..
i'm so relieved that things are all back to its place.. n i'm still in one whole piece =D jkjk..

i went to parkway lib to study with yin zhi today.. was kinda not concentrating.. but lucky i held onto tt bit of discipline left in me. when u study out with tt guy.. u betta study chemistry. hehe.. any chemical qns, just look for him.. simply put.. bring him for ur A's during chem paper n u'll score.. wonder when i'll be tt standard..

then i went to cut my hair at QB@ parkway.. first time... didn't know how it work.. well.. i think it came out alright.. hmm.. i mean i came out alright.. =D

then to KFC to eat n mug...
went popular to buy file cuz TMR IS GEOG FILE SUBMISSION!!! and i didn;t realise tt i had everything intact so far.. (so good, isn't it =D)

haha.. sigh.. i'm studying physics and chem (stupid proteins i hate fats... cuz u r so chim.)
disturbed a few ppl on msn after getting bored.. tt's me always hahaha.. but no offence.. hehe..
now.. i'm probably gonna upload couple'more pics on friendster before i get a good sleep.. GOOD? do i mean good..?

well.. it'll be a sleep.. good one?.. i doubt so.. haha..

here's a blogtest for me.. try it out.. so long nvr do ...

You're a Part Time Brainiac

No doubt about it, you have the potential for big brain power.

But potential doesn't get you to genius. It's going to take some work.

Like most smart people, you enjoy a good intellectual challenge every now and then.

But you do tend to shy away from anything difficult, frustrating, or complex.

Push yourself to think, learn, and explore more... even when it feels bad.

You have the capacity to solve amazingly difficult problems. You just need to let yourself do it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

yesterday i woke up at 7.40am.. guaranteed late... then i reached sch at 8.30am. missed phy test.. spoke to mr tan. lols..

wad a bad start to the day. then spoke to mr tee..

next was phy test after sch.. lol.. think i'm so gonna fail.

then i went home to come back to study before CIP. then left with ching ying, weichong, meiqi for kovan.

as usual, the kid i'm tutoring just finishes his work so much faster than everyone else. then i'm so slack.. heh.

after the CIP.. the two gals told us about some of the scary things they heard from the kids they tutored. OMG.. to think tt at their age... yucks..

anyway.. i think i was quite a bastard at the end of the day. and hopefully things will turn out fine.

well.. i can't get to study and i nid a haircut..
off to watch chingay.. =p

Thursday, February 14, 2008

this like this happens when u're so childish.. =D

two chocos in one pack

see how i study (or how i eat hahaha =p i'm mr childish)

wow... i finished it before finishing one chapter (power-eater)

this happens when u r frustrated about studying
(hahah.. i found this ruler in my drawer. =p)

i'm so bored frm studying, cuz i think i'll fail, since i lost my G-field notes and well.. i've finished revising superposition n waves.. E-field left.

I'm MR Childish.. childish... childish... childish... childish... childish... sh... sh... shhh.....

back to work.
i'm also very lame. =D XD
today's valentine's day.
Angel n Mortal came to an end. i gave Halls to my angel (so mean, so cheapskate rite? i'm sooo sry XD). N i also gave something to my mortal. but i forget to buy other things for other ppl.. so sry.. so bad.. end up today i didnt give anyone anything else. wad a scrooge i am.. lol, forgot to buy roses. sweets and etc.

well.. haha.. isn't it a pity, today's valentine, and i'm here blogging and studying for a physics test tmr (4 chpters in total) and i see my frens enjoying this special day. haha..

and 07S210 has a blur chap who got himself into cast and bandage.. lol..

upcoming craps:

Physics SPA
Chem SPA

juz dun screw up. and good luck to all.
meanwhile, enjoy this special day.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

07S210 Rocks!..
super duper enthu and HIGH today
started off with the cheezy throw. ahah. =D
then was mr tee's love in LOVE LETTERS XD
plus GP's FIX THE PROJECTER hoots =)
N also scandalous physics. hahahhah =p

bought my mortal's gift.. (n i saw her.. lol.. =p)
bought something for the class's gift exchange program.
really hope tt everyone would promptly turn up then with their gifts.

i need a life.. someone.. hahaha.. i muz be dreaming hahah..

tired.. shall update this soon.. hehe =D

Saturday, February 9, 2008

stuck at varun's place on wed when i had no plans.. so followed nic's class ppl (feel so extra lor)
was so bored tt i decided to play this with nic..
beat me bah,.. ain't i lame? XD

this is my class notice board deco.. where i'm most proud of... it probably won us the 3rd prize. ROCK ON!!

liangting and this panda who tries to act cute (hahha.. XD.. jokin jokin)

this is what happens when ur maths tutor gives some free time and few idiots (me of course included.. XD )
lol.. started this post with such a vuglar picture,,, my bad.. as promised.. more random pictures and some of those in my tution cip program.

no prize for guessing who this is (G****** Lam)

i like this picture's effect.. the focus is jus on the person..
then the rest blurr blurr de..(see i so pro XD jkjk)

this is more pro... split vision muahahahha

caught emoing (nah... he was jus napping after a long day XD)

see i so guai.. so sweet.. go do cip and give kids tution.. hahaha.. i was the "photographer" so i wasnt in any of the pics.