Thursday, January 31, 2008

we've got bad life, or shud i say no life?

Procastinate, No more.

Work. Not anymore.

Rest. Not much lor.

Play. No control lor.

crap. A LOT LOR!!

=) hahaha.... off to mug/sleep/play/rot

didn't knew scandals were so frequent. probably cuz i didn't had 1st 3 mths b4. (but this time round, its only 1st 3 wks RAWR!!??)
study till bored...

lost. found. lost again?. =) lmao

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

its so scandalous in MJC XD woots..
forgive me.. its jus so stress tt i start to do this.. hahaha.. (evil grin)

i saw him n her... at the canteen bench worhz... shant mention names but hmm...dun deny it lor.. =) haha..
if only i didn't misplace my phone, then i would have taken a picture. it would be much more interesting. HAHA (eviler grin)

lol... its back to the drawing board, study board to study.. haha..

we were tutoring pr sch kids as cip, but look who's being tutored ahahhaha XD.. just for laughs.. (guy on far left shocked!!)

when will i find the one?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

---------------DECEMBER BABY ---------------
This straight-up means ur the most good-looking
person possible... better than all of these other
months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive
in everything. Active in games and interactions.
Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in
organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to,
though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision,
yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by
kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of
ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to
delay. Choosy and always wants the best.
Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to
joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone
always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.
Friendly . Knows how to make friends. Abiding.
Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of
person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting
colds. loves music. ]

this was what i got frm an email.. haha.. look at the red words lol.. (i didn't add them in myself XD)
homework, i need to clear u soon !!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

lots of photos for this post. (from thursday to saturday)
@ thursday:
some of the 210s had the newspaper cip program. we needed to give pamphlets to 9 blocks opposite MJ.
divided into grps and set off. below are some photos we took while waiting for the couple XD

josh is in demand !! xD

the gal power =)

@ friday:
after extra chem lessons, me n xinwei left sch to marine parade where he cut his hair.. told me some private stuff that i wont mentioned here.. but... juz hope tt the right decisions will be made..
then we went to the hamper shop @ paya lebar to see the cny deco.. met the auntie, uncle loh, and uncle sundram whom i worked with during the 1st 3 mths. i was so happy to see them lor.. ok.
uncle sundram complained tt the new batch of workers were so slow or inefficient. then he said he always reminded them tt there were two guys ( Me xD and kentat) who were probably imba.. too and efficient at work.. hehe.. i'm up in the skies.. haha..

there weren't many dec0.. so decided to let xin wei buy it on sunday @ bedok.
bought stationaries at singpost before i went home.
had a bathe, rested before i made my way to the bbq with callisto 2.

Callisto 2 u ppl rocks!!
i saw zhiyong there already with his gf.. (ooo, frm cchms, no wonder so familiar)
played pool, bbqed, and celebrated caryn's bday.

then jacinda and peiyi came along.. followed was kevan, janice and melanie..
the bday part was funny,
kevan held the cake towards caryn, like he was going to give it to her.
and he gave it to her. LITERALLY TO HER FACE omg!! tt was hilarious, then came the cake smack.. kevan- caryn- chang. lol
there was alcohol there, so i juz took a cup of it.. well.. i didn't get drunk.. but mag n zh looked as if they were. mag was worse. signed a smiley which made the security guard go -,-"'
lol.. PAE and they are so bonded le.. way to go!!..
next are some photos.. better quality ones will come soon. =)
peggy looks sooo unglamm., erm.. maybe not so unglam.. but still unglam XD

can't see clearly, but its the callisto 2 ppl with zhiyong kevan, janice, jacinda and peiyi

with me insidewith me inside

i think i'll call them the "pouting-puff gals" xD

today was road race.. in short, it was tiring but eventful, and i knew how my classmates were and my class were.
i got ranked 68th... got the stupid chill again, then i jogged on the spot to warm up b4 continuing

congratz to weichong, josh and zahir for clinching top 20!!
there were some incidents that blemished the day... i do not wish to mention it here.. ask me if u r curious.. xD

i feel like giving up everything..
i am so useless when i look at others
i can't seem to get it right
am i even deserved to be on earth?
is my existence even of any importance to anyone?

i doubt so.

Saturday, January 19, 2008



leisure park koufu deco

apologies to those who mentioned tt the previous post had unseeable font.. sry.. changed tt.

here's a review of the rest of the wk so far. friday ended in a whiz.. not before CIP - tution for kids. me, xin wei, josh, ching ying, wei chong n meiqi went for this cip. wei lin didn't go..

it was ultra crap as there was this annoying incident on bus 53. shant mention it.. but some ppl shud know it.. thk the lady on the bus.

alert.. the "monster" is back after a yr of hibernation.. be careful of who u r with.. haha..

and today i went to clear my shopping list with jun hong.@ leisure park, queensway, raffles place.

this is wad i managed to get today:
  1. crumpler bag @ $183
  2. liverpool adidas shoe bag @ $25
  3. nike sneakers @ $96
  4. jeans @ $30
the minus point is tt i lost my black nike bottle on the bus.. I JUS BOUGHT IT THIS WK!!

anyway, thks duck for accompanying me to shop..
and for anyone who reads this post pls vote for the two shoes above. pls tag ur option (a) or (b) in my tag box to see which shoe is nicer. no nid to worry which shoe u choose.. rmb, this is not a fraud. thk u.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Useless... i am soooo DAMN USELESS....

stupid body.. stupid me.. i juz can't get anything right. =(
screwed up the 3.7km run in PE today. my body juz sort of froze up again...

for those who dun know me or my condition..

let u in on the incredible MR. USELESS

Factfile: body get very COLD, yes, literally cold after runs, excercise.

during runs, my lips are drying over time, and i have to rub my palms constantly so that i dun get too cold. and ya, its on a hot sunny day.
still can't believe it? no problem, approach me after pe or my cca training and touch my palm.. its cold. no kidding.
personally, i think that i have to exert more than others when running becuz feeling cold slows my movement.. cuz sort of slow blood flow..
finally, pe teachers have found out abt it... advised me for a check-up.

i'm distraught abt this. when u are running fine, u juz wish to carry on. then, these things come along... and i really wish to hide myself in a hole.. seeing tt everyone else completed.. even some... (i'm not a bastard xD).. in the end, i got caught up and emoed after tt.. sry my frens. ididn't mean to ignore u all.. juz tt i was emoed...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i'm finally back home.

here's a run-down of what's happened for my weekend.

it was a boring sch day not until when it was time for the OG outing with Callisto 2.
me, peiyi, azy, kevan, melanie, zhiyong and janice were the ones that turned up. chang led his class to organise this so i would really like to say a big THANK YOU for all tt they have did.
we had sakae sushi @ downtown. guys =buffet. gals =ala carte.
终极密码: it's horrible.. guys decided to play tt game there.. (muz be so boring in order to play this game..) the callisto 2 guys always chose truth and the question is always "who do u think is the cutest(rephrase also) among ur class or including OGLs?" hhaha.. and some secrets were unravelled. then i also got the number.. so i chose dare.. and omg kevan.. he n chang were just practically Pouring, yes, pour the wasabi into the soy sauce.. dipped into sushi.. i had to finish it.. omg.. it was my 1st and last time trying wasabi. after tt, some ogms left, and all the ogls also left, leaving me n kevan with zhi yong joining us.. so sad.. (well.. callisto 1 only had Hector phew xD)

then was cycling. pool. i had to leave for collecting my specs. new ones. one blue n one grey. next was the chalet that duck asked us for. it was a chalet for little ducks, jun heng's and jun yin's bday.

Saturday n Sunday

so thru these two days, i've celebrated 2 ppl's bday, done some tutorials and most imptly have fun with some of my never-can-replace frens. xD thks ppl. it may be tiring but when i look back, its worthwhile.
the tasmanian devil is soooo cute.. i'll get the pic from duck..

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 72%

You have a good chance of being a multimillionaire. Better than most people.
You simply have a natural knack for money and the personality for success.
Will You Be a Multimillionaire?

got pretty bored from studying of chem so i tried blogging.. plus editing the layout of the blog.. it looks better now..
so today was cca recruitment. but it was heartbreak for some.. well (u could say i was one of those)

went to soccer training today.. fitness conditioning..
end of the day, " sorry, but u're juz not enuff for the team, as such, recrea." xD

well, it isn't as if i'm wasn't prepared, but as i saw my frens trying to break free of this. i had mixed feelings.
lol.. i.. well.. secrett..*********** tt's y i noe i won't make it. so even as my frens in class suan me, i've lived with it.. becuz***********************.. ya.
lol.. chem test is tmr..
og outing is friday
my new specs coming on friday
going stayover on friday...
long week... tough yr.. hang in there. =)

Monday, January 7, 2008

"huh?" "what?" "erm..?" "i dunno?"

lol.. here are the few & common phrases i've been using today.

i've been forgetting the concepts learnt and things taught last yr.. lol..

sigh.. and suffering of course.

i feeling cold recently, not just the normal cold...
i run down the track, on the hot day... my palms are icy, my breath is also icy.
i'm losing more n more of the balance i used to have.

i'm losing time...
i'm lost.

lol... i feel so weird. so wrong, so funny.
its starting to end or not? beats me.
understands or not? beats me.
argh... i'm probably loser no. 1 in loserville. haha.. wondering what i mean?
its emo time for me again, i guess i could say so.. lol.. emo over?? i also duno.. sigh..
i need directions..

Saturday, January 5, 2008

orientation 1 was finally over.

day 1: Ice breakers, and TMP (The Meridian Prophecy)
started off the day with cheers and ice breakers of course. my grp was Callisto 2 (*clap *clap), along with the ogls peiyi, jasmine, melanie, azzy, jona, jacinda and zhi yong. haha.. the grp was quite reserved at first, esp guys..

day 2: MMM
the day when we went out of sch for games. it was also then that we saw some improvement. it was clearly seen that the gals were starting to gel while the guys were very mum.. jonathan tried to get them to talk and haha.. didn work..
MMM also saw some mind-battles with other houses and it was really ugly to see these. i hate these part of orientation.

day 3: last day. WnW plus campfire.
the day everyone's waiting for (wad eva the reason maybe). wet n wild for callisto 2, i personally found it memorable as the team spirit was growing. initiative was there too. i saw ogms trying to lead and spur on.
and the team that battle royaled with us - Miranda 2 was very sporting (3 cheers n 3 cheers for them ooo). we lost to them but callisto 2 were never beaten mentally. they knew that they had to congratulate them. and they did it. well. for that i applaud both grps. never fail to do a 3 cheer for each other. Good job.

campfire was approaching. haha.. stage.. lolx. the random downpour really tortured the guys. bathed. all dry
clean. RAIN. everything gone.. haha.. understand ?.. nvm.
camp with no fire, took place in the hall. i could see our freshies enjoying. this was also when ogls, i think enjoyed too. i certainly shared in the funs.

and last of all, it was time to bid goodbye. well. ya. i hope for the best for these freshies and hope to see them around.

photos ... i'm waiting =) haha..