Thursday, November 8, 2007

well, haven't been blogging for quite a while..

PW was finally over on wednesday with the finale of the GPF (could see some reluctantance in some ppl's eyes while closing tt file). the process was tough but, yay, its finally ended.

after tt day, i shud hav made a better choice.. haha.. ya, xin wei,.. shud have came along.. practically a waste of my time tt day...

now, my legs are suffering from excess workout.. overburnt.. and tmr's training. managed to start on maclaurin's lecture..
haven't been on msn for a day.. lol.. -,-

and i've got training plus the CIP tmr.

ya, i've gotta arrange the class outing to sentosa... or somewhere else.. lol.. grr... now, the hols are so boring when it finally arrives. i am just so complicated.. ppl complain for hols to quicken and complain for it to go away fast.. IRONIC.
well, i've promised to finish the shows i've been at and i will.. haha.. anyway, the show's great.. haah..

lol.. gtg sleep and speed up the recovery of my eyes.. wish me luck. ya.. i'm, running in the standard chartered, all thanks to duck and his leg.. i guess his leg will need a lot more time to heal...
grr.. and the class blog's rotting... HELP!! -_-'''

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