Saturday, November 3, 2007

today was just so dramatic.. i got whacked by the ball during training on thu. i thought it was just plain bruising and tt's all. when i woke up this morning, i was frightened. pitch black. i could not see with my right eye. the fear was that it might spread on to my other eye. i called for help.

thks aunt. i was brought to their family doc. it was then after a few shines of the torchlight before he said. "no bleeding within the eye" phew, i said to myself. tt would be the wors scenario. then, he continured to say that the pupil in my eye (the black dot in ur eye) was greatly impacted, resulting in the weakening of the muscle around the pupil. this causes the reaction of the pupil to be slower than usual. it also explained y my head was spining when i looked out of the mrt. and by looking at bright lights, or bright spots, it will make me have a sharp pain in my head as the muscle were tensed up after the hit.
then, i got an anaesthetic needle before some disinfection thingy was poured on my eye.
now, i'll have to cut down on sports.. i tried to play soccer in cchms..
i lost my reaction speed..
i lost my strength...
my speed..

meanwhile, i need a shoulder... i need a listening ear....
am i such a failure in my life?

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