Friday, November 2, 2007

well, finally found some time to update..
time flies.. really.
OP finished... among the 3 grps tt were in the same grp, perhaps mine or me was not very good. well, like some may say, "its over le" so dun fret le.. =)
and its already been the second soccer training for me n nicky. got hit in the eye during a game. and now my right eye feels so weird. feels like the tears are uncontrollable. and my nose is running too.. (running away from me haha.. -_-''')

well, i just received news that eileen will be leaving for india this sunday with a high chance that she will not be coming back. well, i'm gonna plan out a class-outing for the class to celebrate her bday and also a formal sending off.

Thought OP over, but here comes more.. I&R, hols work, revision, orientation, and etc.

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