Tuesday, November 13, 2007

random..: fried fish soup + rice.. woohoo.. random.. LOL

Today my brother was leaving for China, Xia men, i think so.. along with his sec sch.. wanted to send him off, but oh, nvm...
went with Yin zhi to explore the Newly Opened TERMINAL 3!
the layout of the place was very nice, xcept that the shops aren't available till 9 Jan 08.. quite a waste of time if to go there now, cuz the only thing to do there is to perhaps pay abt $3 or more and be guided into the departure hall, forbidden areas, etc, by the tourguide.. (and i saw one policeman acting as the tourguide too.. so desperate sia..)
Only managed to take a few, well, only 3 pictures of the place,
this wall (above) was awesome


yin zhi called these black carrots.. -,-

as we found out that to our dismay, there was nth available at T3, we made our way back to T1, T2 b4 settling our lunch at POPEYE'S.
i brought along chinese chess just in case of boredom and the two of us, basically just played at POPEYE'S.. haha.. super random ok.. and i lost 2 times in a row.. all the pao and che's fault..

then, received call from duck.. and we made our way to tampines to the SAFRA gym. Yes, gym.. never guessed that i finally made my way to a gym, after saying so many times that i want to train..
Neh- Randy
Duck- Kwek
Lao Gao- Yin zhi
Pork- Nicky,
and me.. haha... spent our time in the gym. it was very fruitful as i learnt a lot from them and did a lot of exercises too.

it was funny seeing randy trying to exercise and resist temptations from food.. and nic and randy are always .. haha..

well, left with duck on bus 31, sry yin zhi... wanted to take bus 31...
then me n duck were reminiscing of the past... and became engrossed in it, almost become too emo...
thks duck for lending me money to buy the running shoe...

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